Support a transportation system for people and goods which includes a variety of transportation modes, with emphasis on long term solutions, and coordination among local, regional, and federal transportation officials, putting transportation infrastructure in place in conjunction with population growth.
Adopted in 2006; Revised in 2011.
- Transportation and land use planning should be integrated to promote reduced vehicle miles traveled through a jobs/housing balance and a requirement that land use development facilitate use of transit and other alternatives to single occupant vehicles.
- Planning for transportation should promote alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel such as high occupancy vehicle lanes, expanded public transit, car/van pools and bicycle lanes.
- Planning for the cumulative impact of growth should be included in a transportation plan.
- The reduction of congestion and the repair of city streets should be included in transportation planning.
- Regional (multi-county) cooperation in transportation planning should be included in a transportation plan.
- Coordinated land use planning within cities and regionally should be included in a transportation plan.
- Incentives to encourage good transportation planning should be included in a transportation plan.
- Transportation funding should come from a mix of sources, including development fees, and local, state and federal governments.
- Local funds should be available to assure matching of available state and federal dollars.
- A transportation plan should include funding for a variety of transportation methods.
- Developers should be required to mitigate the impact of new developments on the transportation infrastructure.
Land Use: Promote policies that manage land as a finite resource and that incorporate principles of stewardship.
Transportation (Position in Brief): Support a transportation system to move people and goods which includes a variety of transportation modes, with emphasis on increased public transportation services and other viable alternatives to reduce vehicle miles traveled; is efficient, convenient, and cost effective; is safe and secure; serves all segments of the population and diverse geographic needs; minimizes harmful effects on the environment; is integrated with land use; and is supported by extensive public education. (New version of position adopted in 1991.)