Communications Committee Update, October 2019

Communications Committee Update, October 2019


Communications Committee Update, October 2019
The new Communications Committee is hard at work building simple, sensible processes to make sure our league and its committees can provide clear and reliable information to members, friends, and the media. We’re also working to maximize our website for members and visitors and incorporating new tools such as Eventbrite, Mail Chimp, and Zoom to make sure the flow of information is smooth, standardized, easy-to-access, and follows League guidelines.
Thanks to Marilee Scholl’s excellent publicity efforts, we continue to see articles about our league appearing in numerous local papers. She is working to provide local media monthly press releases highlighting our league activities.
Volunteer Opportunities: We’re looking for additional committee members to work collegially to help us build out our capacity to match the growth of our league. If you’re interested in joining our merry team, please email Sandy Coury at sandycoury [at]
Website. Have some website savvy and have a 5-6 hours per month to volunteer? Activities may include updating Events, Articles, forms and other site content. Our site platform is provided by the LWVCA MyLO (MyLeagueOnline) team but we have lots of tools and flexibility to grow and improve our site.
Event Flyers. If you have a flair for design and some desktop graphics skills, then contact us.
Member Welcome Kits. Help us build friendly member email kits and scripts. Reach out to new and renewing members with informational emails and calls.
Communications Team Members: Chair and Website Manager Sandy Coury, Deputy Chair Alice Fried, Publicity Marilee School, Voter Newsletter Susan Street and Leslie Lessenger.
Committee Meetings: Monthly, please contact Sandy at sandycoury [at] for more information.

League to which this content belongs: 
Solano County