Adam Ambrogi, LWVUS chief of external affairs, Pamela Smith, Verified Voting executive director, and cybersecurity expert Paul Rosenzweig highlight the danger of the current administration's defunding of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).
The first 60 days of the Trump administration have been nothing short of an unprecedented, breathtaking assault on American democracy. But no matter what they throw at us, we will not back down.
When we collectively rise up and challenge those in power, we make a difference! LWVUS gives suggestions on how to take action and defend our democracy.
En tiempos como estos, sus congresistas necesitan escucharle.
Hay una gran variedad de temas que le afectan a usted, a su familia y a su comunidad, sobre los cuales podría tener que hablar con su congresista ahora