Democracy is not a spectator sport, join us and be part of the solution!
Everyone is welcome and as a League member, you will:
- have the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national League work
- get exclusive civic information you can trust
- know that your membership dues add to our grassroots strength and our financial resources
- be an important part of a dynamic and exciting organization that makes a difference.
First - Fill out and Submit the Membership Form below (Available in English and Spanish)
Second - Pay your Annual Membership Dues
- Online with a credit card via PayPal
- Mail your Membership payment via check to LWVSC, PO Box 83, Benicia CA 94510
- Students are free but you must submit a Membership Form with your school's name to qualify
- Individual $70.00 (Paid by check) $73 (Paid online with PayPal)
- Household (2 persons at the same address) $105 (Paid by check) $109 (Paid online with PayPal)
- Students No Charge.
Join or Renew by Mail:
Step 1: Download the PDF form at the bottom of this page.
Step 2: Complete the form and mail it to us with your payment: LWV Solano County, PO Box 83, Benicia, CA 94510
Join or Renew Online:
Step 1: Complete the Online Membership Form and click "Submit".
Step 2: Choose your membership type from the PayPal drop-down list.
Please Note: The PayPal convenience fee that covers our League's PayPal transaction cost is included in the Membership Fee. A PayPal account is not required.
Student Memberships are Free! To qualify, be sure to complete the online form below and include your school's name on the form.
Where Do Your Dues Go?
Ninety percent of your dues go to the national, California, and Bay Area League of Women Voters for advocacy, lobbying, and legal action to further the League’s priorities. Of the $70 collected for a single LWV Solano County member and the $35 collected for the second member in a household, just 10% remains with our local branch to fund all of our local work.