The LWV is deeply committed to equity and bringing an end to harassment and discrimination in all of its forms and with this in mind, we would like to introduce you to iHollaback.org. Several of our members have already participated in the training and found it valuable and empowering.
Hollaback provides free, interactive one-hour training that helps you learn tools to help disrupt harassment and become allies in this important work. We encourage you to see if this resource is a good fit for you.
Find out more at: https://www.ihollaback.org/
Sign up for free, one-hour training: https://www.ihollaback.org/harassmenttraining/
Download the free Bystander Guide: https://www.ihollaback.org/guide-bystander-intervention/
The tools are simple, yet wildly effective, and gives employees the confidence to feel like they can do something when they see disrespectful behavior or harassment.
Samantha Hatch, HR Business Partner, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab