Bay Area League Day - Solving for Housing - Recording Links

Bay Area League Day - Solving for Housing - Recording Links

Saturday, February 19, 2022 - 10:00am
League of Women Voters Bay Area Annual Educational Conference
Solving for Housing: The Nexus of Housing Policy and Climate Policy


League Day 2022 took a holistic look at land-use planning involved in placing housing and examined the intersectionality of housing with climate change and natural hazard planning, and the financial implications of housing placement.

The recording is on the Bay Area League YouTube channel along with other past events. An audio recording of the event is also available here. The chat, including additional resource links, is here.

Here is the  description that was originally posted for this event:

As wildfires worsen, temperatures peak, and air quality decreases, Bay Area communities are already experiencing the impacts of climate change. These challenges directly impact the caliber and number of houses available and to be built. This year’s LWV Bay Area annual educational day explores how we build more housing that is affordable while protecting critical natural and working lands. A resilient Bay Area requires the implementation of strategies at local and regional levels that can achieve multiple benefits. Our Solving for Housing webinar will take a holistic look at land-use strategies and the decision-making involved in placing housing today at the federal, state, and regional levels. 

San Francisco hillside with housing

Monitor Notes at  and

LWVBA website