High School Seniors Value Democracy – Winner Announced for Essay Contest

High School Seniors Value Democracy – Winner Announced for Essay Contest


The League of Women Voters of Woodland is delighted to announce the winners of its Valuing Democracy essay contest which ended in late January 2023. The prize of $500 will be awarded to Woodland High School Senior Hayden Forrest Fettig during the school’s upcoming awards night. His government teacher is Mr. Marin.

Senior Stella Paschke of Woodland Christian High School will receive a $150 Honorable Mention award during her school’s award night for her essay. Stella’s government teacher is Mr. Gaudard.

Each essay received was judged anonymously and received multiple readings using the same criteria. Our judges, many of whom are retired teachers, were gratified to read the essays by graduating seniors who expressed how they value our democratic republic.

The League thanks all the students and teachers who participated in this contest. We are looking forward to sponsoring similar contests in the future.

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