Water Study

Water Study


Water Position

After two years of intensive study and research,members of the Woodland League of Women Voters adopted a position on making best use of our water resources. Recommendations and opinion on groundwater, agriculture, agency coordination and climate change are included in the PDF icon final document

Water Study

At the June, 2011 annual meeting, the membership of the Woodland LWV unanimously approved a two year study on water. The question that will be examined is:

Should the Woodland LWV undertake a two-year study on water in Yolo County. This study would continue the work on climate change impacts on water from our 2009 to 2011 climate change study and seek to integrate that with aggregate local water issues. It would also update the Woodland LWV position on water from 1989.


The climate change study showed that water availability and quality will be directly impacted by climate change. Even without climate change, water has been and will continue to be a major issue in Yolo County and California overall.


This will be developed at the first committee meetings in the summer and fall of 2011.
