Voter Services

Voter Services

Presentation: "Ensuring Election Integrity in Yolo County"

Headshot of

Jessie Salinas

Jesse Salinas, Registrar of Voters for Yolo County, will be the guest speaker at a Woodland League meeting open to both members and the public. He will describe the process that the Yolo County elections office uses to verify ballots and improve accessibility for all voters, while preserving the confidentiality of each ballot.

The presentation will be live streamed and recorded for viewing at:

Light refreshments will be served.
Time: Monday, September 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Location: Woodland Community and Senior Center, 2001 East St, Woodland, CA 95776
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Yolo County Candidate Forums in January 2024

The League of Women Voters will host two candidate forums for Yolo County contests on the March 5, 2024 Primary Election ballot. Both forums will be held in person at the Woodland Community and Senior Center and will also be livestreamed and recorded by Woodland TV for those who cannot attend. Audience members at the forums will be able to submit written questions that are sorted by league members and read by the moderator. No campaign literature or paraphernalia (signs, T-shirts, buttons, hats, etc.) is allowed in the meeting room.

Jan. 24 6:00 PM Yolo County Superior Court Judge
  Candidates: Chris Dietrich and Clara Levers
    Link to livestream:
(Proposition 1 Pros & Cons presentation follows this forum)
Jan. 31 6:30 PM Yolo County Board of Supervisors Districts 3 & 5
  Candidates: District 3 - Xochitl Rodriguez Murillo and Mary Sandy
District 5 - Angel Barajas and Paul Bridge
    The forum will feature the four candidates together.
Link to livestream:

The Superior Court Judge forum and Pros & Cons presentation are being hosted by League of Women Voters of Woodland and League of Women Voters Davis Area.

The Board of Supervisors Districts 3 & 5 forum is being hosted by LWV Woodland.

LWV Davis Area is presenting a Board of Supervisors District 4 forum on the same evening. See their website for more information

Pros & Cons Presentation on Proposition 1 - January 24

League of Women Voters members from LWV Woodland and LWV Davis Area will give a Pros & Cons presentation on California Proposition 1, the Behavioral Health Services Program and Bond Measure. This measure is the only state proposition on the March 5, 2024 primary ballot.

The presenters will provide background, the proposed measure, fiscal impact, what a yes or no vote will do and what supporters and opponents say about the measure. The presentation is solely informational and does not advocate for either position regarding the measure. Pros & Cons are educational events that are presented in terms that are easy to understand so voters have the information they need to make decisions about ballot measures.

The event will take place on January 24 from 7:15 to 8:30 at the Woodland Community and Senior Center following the Superior Court Judge candidate forum. It will also be livestreamed and recorded by Woodland TV for those who cannot attend. No campaign literature or paraphernalia (signs, T-shirts, buttons, hats, etc.) is allowed in the meeting room.

Link to the livestream:

Voters Hear from Candidates at Woodland JUSD School Board Forums

LWV Woodland held forums for Woodland Joint Unified School District (WJUSD) school board candidates for Areas 2 and 7 on October 5 at the school district office. Although lightly attended in person, the livestream was watched by 87 viewers in real time and the recordings have been viewed by over 250 interested voters following the forum. We are grateful to Woodland TV for broadcasting and livestreaming the event, which you can access using the links below.

To view the recording of Area 2, click on

To view the recording of Area 7, click on

Our thanks to WJUSD Superintendent Elodia Ortega-Lampkin for allowing us to hold the forums in the District facility, and to District office staff for their generous assistance. We also wish to thank the candidates for their participation, which promotes transparency and civil discourse in our elections. Incumbent Jake Whitaker and challenger Emily MacDonald from Area 2 and incumbent Rogelio Villagrana and challenger Catherine Saeturn from Area 7 provided useful insights into their candidacies in response to questions developed by the league as well as those submitted by the public via email or collected from the audience.

It took many hands to make the event a success. Ramon and Karen Urbano did an excellent job moderating the event with help from timekeeper Mary Helen Seeger and her daughter-in-law, Janice. Roz Stone greeted guests at the sign-in table. Judy Wohlfrom and Roberta Devine collected audience questions which Richard DeLiberty and Lorna Carriveau organized. Finally, we fully appreciate the hard work of Norma DeLiberty and Carla Cox to organize the event. Their efforts were also recognized by attendees, 75% of whom completed surveys of the event, with the majority Extremely Satisfied.

Forums are important opportunities for voters to learn about the candidates in as fair and unbiased a setting as possible. We look forward to holding more in the future in support of our democracy and an informed electorate.


The Woodland and Davis League of Women Voters held a forum allowing incumbent Jeff Reisig and challenger Cynthia Rodriguez to square off in the race for Yolo County district attorney. The debate, which was held at the Woodland Community and Senior Center — located at 2001 East St. — on Wednesday night, saw Reisig and Rodriguez fielding questions prepared by the League, audience members and previously electronically submitted questions from the public.  Read more....

Deferred and Accelerated Voters: Redistricting and the California State Senate

Announcement Document Thumbnail

California state Senators are elected every four years. The terms are staggered; those from even-numbered districts elected in one statewide General Election, and those from odd-numbered districts two years later. This creates a problem when district lines are redrawn every ten years. All of the new district lines for the state Assembly and US Congress take effect at the next election – but for the state Senate, the process is staggered, with new district lines taking effect for only half of the districts immediately after redistricting, and the other lines taking effect two years later.   Read more....

California Citizens Redistricting Commission Holds Workshop for Woodland League


THE VOTER Special Edition — January 2022

Click the link to view PDF icon this special edition ofPDF icon The Voter. Topics include an upcoming virtual presentation from Mayor Mayra Vega and a link to the nomination form for this year's Democracy Works event.


 Election Results:  Statewide and Yolo County

Find your ballot

Use Voters Edge by putting in your addresss to find your ballot.

Know when your ballot has been received and counted by tracking it online.

 All of your questions answered by the Secretary of State.

Yolo County Elections Information

Voter registration trends - parties, registered voters by county

Check out this recent report about types of registration and increases by party and more.

California League of Women Voters: Ballot Information

Voter Forums

Fall 2020 - article in the Daily Democrat 8/4/20

What is Ranked Choice Voting?


Proportional Ranked Choice Voting was approved for Albany, California
Approved for the State of Alaska
New York City - approved for all offices in the city