Our League Last week, we officially launched Women Power Democracy! This initiative is designed to tackle systemic challenges to voting rights through advocacy, communication, litigation, and organizing. There are four elements to Women Power Democracy: Democracy Truth Project, Expand the Franchise, Democracy Defense Fund, and People Powered Fair Maps™. This work does not replace our campaign for Making Democracy Work® but rather builds upon our commitment to democracy and our organizational focus. It is also work that we already do. Women Power Democracy pulls this work together and helps us tell a collective story which has both greater impact and potential to make change. Think of it as Making Democracy Work® on steroids! The name of our Women Empower Democracy initiative reflects both the widely recognized name of our organization and our extensive history of tackling institutional misogyny. As a legacy organization founded more than 100 years ago to empower women at the polls, we celebrate the role women play in our democracy today while working to build a more inclusive League. We are proud to lift up the voices of women, and in doing so, also honor the crucial roles that people of all genders play in this work. In the months to come, we will be offering trainings and activities in which every League will have the opportunity to participate and build upon our mission work. You can learn more about Women Power Democracy here. In other League news, I would like to formally welcome our most diverse class of UN (United Nations) Observers in League history. Some league members may be unaware that LWVUS has been at the table with a UN observer role since the body's inception. In fact, the League was instrumental in supporting and promoting the creation of the UN. Learn more about our new observers and our UN Observer program. Our Nation While we applaud President Biden for elevating the For the People Act (S1) in Philadelphia yesterday, we call on the White House to use its weight to protect the integrity of our democracy and the freedom to vote. Now is the time for the White House and Congress to take immediate action to pass both the For the People Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, bills that partner to protect our voting rights. We are in the heart of the fight to defend democracy, as our mission states. Leagues should continue to advocate to their senators to pass S1. Also, remember that voter education and registration should be an everyday goal of each and every one of your Leagues. Be creative in thinking of ways to register someone every day for the next year. It is much of what we do, what we do best, and what we can help others to do. We need you, your community needs you, our country needs your dedication, and I thank you personally for all you are doing. Finally, I hope you all continue to safely enjoy your summer. We do important work, but we must not forget to take time to recharge. In League, |
Deborah |
League Update: July 15, 2021
League Update: July 15, 2021
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