Our League Our People Powered Day of Action last week was a great success! Thank you to the nearly 300 Leagues who participated. More than 100 events were held where people learned about and got engaged in redistricting. If you missed the National Kick-Off Pep Rally, you can watch the recording on our YouTube channel. On May 11, at 5 PM ET, the Organizing team will be hosting a Day of Action debrief call. We encourage you to join the call and share highlights of your League’s day of action event and the lessons you learned. You can register for the call today. In other League news, Council registration is now open! We encourage state leaders to register for this virtual event. Remember, this year we have increased the number of attendees, and we encourage you to include an emerging leader. Our Nation Last week, President Biden gave his first joint address to Congress. He made it clear to the American people that "we need to protect the sacred right to vote." LWV and all our partners in the voting rights space applaud the president for urging the Congress to make the right decision in promoting the American people’s voting freedoms. The League continues to advocate for Congress to pass the For the People Act (S1) and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. These bills will ensure that everyone has equal access to participate in voting and that equitable maps are drawn in our redistricting process. In our efforts to make the VRAA law, we joined as partners for the National John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act Day of Action, which will be held this Saturday, May 8. We encourage League members to participate in this day of action by joining one of the events being held across the country. Final Notes Finally, I want to say Happy Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month! This month we're using our social networks to highlight AAPI women who helped shift democracy, and we encourage Leagues to do the same. We likewise encourage Leagues to partner with AAPI communities and organizations this month and all year long. Happy Mother’s Day to all of our League mothers! Remember to appreciate everyone who has mothered you in your lifetime. Many of us mother others every day in different ways. Please continue to stay safe. In League, Deborah |