Woodland Joint Unified School District Resolution 2-21:
High School Voter Education Weeks, September 14-25, 2020, and April 19-30, 2021
WHEREAS, Education Code 49040 lists the last two full weeks in April and in September as “High School Voter Education Weeks,” and is supported by the Student Voter Registration Act of 2003; and
WHEREAS, High School Voter Education Weeks focus on increasing voter registration and voter turnout, and work to educate communities on the importance of voting; and
WHEREAS, young people play a critical role in our democracy by helping to choose the people who will lead us and by voicing their opinions on the issues that are important to them; and
WHEREAS, students are encouraged to participate in our democracy through civics and voter education programs, and by encouraging their peers and the members of their family and communities to register to vote and participate in elections.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Woodland Joint Unified School District endorses and supports the High School Voter Education Weeks of September 14 through September 25, 2020, and April 19 through April 30, 2021.
BE IT FURTHER RESOVLED, that the Woodland Joint Unified School District encourages local high schools to develop outreach activities, such as holding voter registration drives and special events; and encourages elementary and middle school teachers to conduct appropriate lessons related to voting, so that elementary and middle school students can encourage their parents to engage in the upcoming elections.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of August 2020, by unanimous vote.