Ushering in New Congress & New Administration

Ushering in New Congress & New Administration


It’s a new year, there are a lot of new faces in Washington, and the 117th Congress has made the For the People Act their top priority. The League supports this comprehensive democracy reform bill (known as H.R.1 in the House, and S.1 in the Senate) with important provisions, including the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, fair redistricting, D.C. statehood, and more! Contact your Representative TODAY and tell them to pass the For The People Act.

The Biden administration has quickly gotten down to work and is supporting a number of League priorities, including a commitment to tackle climate change and providing quality and affordable health care for all Americans. The League sent a memo to the new administration outlining our top priorities, and we look forward to working alongside lawmakers to advance voting rights and make democracy work.  

Georgia Voters Breaking Records

Voters in the Peach State kicked off the new year with TWO special runoff elections on Jan. 5 for the state’s two U.S. Senate seats. Following unprecedented voter turnout in the November general election, Georgia voters once again participated in record numbers. The Georgia League and LWVUS staff worked together to reach more than one million voters. This is truly inspiring to us and a testament that our work continues to make great strides toward protecting our democracy and empowering voters. 


New Hope for the ERA

This month, the House and Senate introduced legislation to remove the time limit on the Equal Rights Amendment and finally include it in our Constitution! The League has supported ratification of the ERA since it was first passed by Congress in 1972, and we have worked for decades to see ratification by the states. Last year, Virginia ratified the ERA, bringing the total state count to the required 38. Now it is time for the legislative branch to pass it and finally include women in the U.S. Constitution. Reach out to your Representative now and urge them to support legislation to remove the ERA’s ratification deadline.

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