LWV’s Board of Directors voted “YES” to support City of Woodland Measure R and Woodland Joint Unified School District’s Measure Y at their board meeting this week. Measure R must be approved by a majority of the voters and would continue the one-quarter cent sales tax previously adopted by Woodland voters in 2014 (Measure J) for an additional ten (10) years. Funds would be used for city services, programs and facilities. However, the Council can choose to allocate funds from this tax to voter’s preferences gleaned from advisory Measures S, T, U, & V. The City is required to prepare a detailed report of revenue and expenditures for the voters annually.
WJUSD’s Measure Y requires a 55% vote, is subject to specific accountability measures for the purpose of construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or replacement of school facilities, including furnishings, equipment and acquisition or lease of real property for school facilities. Bond proceeds may be used to expand vocational education programs, improve technology/internet access, repair classrooms/school; roofs, HVAC, wiring, plumbing or acquire a variety of instructional, maintenance and operational equipment. The District, though, may only use proceeds for the purposes identified in the Measure and a independent citizen’s oversight committee is required to insure proceeds are properly expended.
League support for local and county measures must be based on studied positions taken by the local league and /or the California League. For Measure R, the League’s position clearly supports the need for local finance measures to meet basic needs of the general population. Additionally, our County Parks & Recreations position calls for financing to maintain and extend adequate services to a growing population. This Measure clearly meets those identified priorities,
Measure Y is supported by the League’s position of advocacy for adequate and safe school facilities. The California League’s Education K-12 Position clearly advocated for equitable access to quality education, adequacy of revenue and flexibility of those revenues.
Your Woodland League Board voted unanimously to support these two important Measures as necessary for the stability of our community services and the stability of our schools. The League takes no position on Measures S, T, U & V.