Mental Health Study Update and Meeting Schedule for 2023

The Mental Health Study Group will meet once a month to continue gathering information on mental health services that nonprofit agencies provide in Yolo County as well as boards and commissions delegated to provide oversight for mental health services. This information will assist the League in focusing on different areas to develop our position statement.
The first meeting will be virtual (via Zoom) and held on August 30 at 12:00 noon. Thereafter the meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of the month [9/27, 10/25, 11/29 (due to Thanksgiving)] at 12:00 noon in-person or virtually depending on the consensus of the study group.
If you are interested in participating in the study and would like to attend the August 30 meeting, please email Janet Ruggiero at jmruggiero [at] to receive an invitation.
As information is gathered and reported to the study group, we will use the data to focus on key issues we believe we can further study to develop possible positions for the League to consider. The plan is to also hold a meeting in January (date TBD) for all League members to become informed of what the study group has learned. Members who have signed up to be in the study group will receive an invitation via email to the August 30 meeting. If you are interested in participating in the study and would like to attend the August 30 meeting, please email me at jmruggiero [at] so I can send you an invitation.