Redistricting event 9/30/21

Redistricting event 9/30/21

Redistricting update: time to define communities of interest

Redistricting is in full swing, and both the California Citizens Redistricting Commission and the Yolo County Advisory Redistricting Commission are seeking input from residents about communities of interest before drafting new district maps. According to the Brennen Center for Justice, communities of interest “are groups of individuals who are likely to have similar legislative concerns, and who might therefore benefit from cohesive representation in the legislature.” In California, communities of interest are one of the factors that entities drawing district lines must consider.

Unlike city or county boundaries and features like highways and rivers, communities of interest don’t show up on published street maps, and redistricting commissioners can’t know about them without help from residents. That’s why the county and state commissions are asking for your input this month. 

Participating by using online tools or providing testimony lets you describe and map the parameters of your community of interest, and communicate to commissioners which areas you wish to keep together during the redistricting process. For example, if you live in or near an incorporated city, are there adjacent unincorporated areas that share interests with their city neighbors and thus should share county, state, or federal representation? Are you part of a community of people in an area united by working toward a shared goal, such as disaster preparedness or recovery or advocating for a community project like a school, health clinic, or park, who should share representation? Do you wish to let commissioners know about a community of interest that’s based on shared language or culture? 

The California Citizens Redistricting Commission will draw the district lines for the Assembly, State Senate, House of Representatives, and State Board of Equalization districts. More information about helping them define communities of interest is available here

The Yolo County Advisory Redistricting Commission will hear public input about communities of interest at their Monday, September 20, online meeting, which will run from 5 to 7 p.m. Residents of the western part of the county are invited to attend community meetings about communities of interest hosted by Redistricting Commissioner Mia Durham. The Winters meeting will be at the Public Safety Facility (702 Main St.) on Monday, September 27, from 5 to 6 p.m. To RSVP or ask questions, please email mia_arc [at] (). Currently, that’s an in-person event, although organizers are exploring a hybrid option. To try your hand at drawing supervisorial district lines, visit the Advisory Redistricting Commission’s webpage, go to the Submit a Map section, and find links to the mapping tool and instructions in English and Spanish. 

The commissions have deadlines to finish drafting the district maps that will be in place for the next decade, so now is the time to get involved.