Help Build Sussex LWV's Future. Join Us for a 11/25 Workshop.

Help Build Sussex LWV's Future. Join Us for a 11/25 Workshop.

Informing Voters. Empowering people

Help Build Sussex LWV’s Future!
Join the Workshop to Plan Election Year Initiatives and Future Goals

The 2024 general election will be HUGE: There are 32 Delaware seats up for bid, including Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Insurance Commissioner, a US Senator, and a US Congressperson. Plus 10 State Senators and 17 State Representatives. In Sussex County, 3 out of 5 County Council seats are up for reelection. Not to mention various municipalities. Oh, and that pesky presidential election.

At every level—national, state, and local—the League is a-buzz with planning efforts. At the state level, LWVDE is beginning strategic planning to determine the shape and direction of the organization into the future. At the October 12 “League, Libations and Learning” event, LWVDE Tiffany Lydon discussed priorities and goals [PDF icon click here for the presentation], and she is enthusiastically recruiting members from up and down the state to participate in the first strategic planning meeting on November 6th  []. Any League member is welcome to participate in that crucial effort.

Sussex LWV members will be gathering at the Lewes Library on November 25, from 10-2, to develop our Get Out The Vote (GOTV) campaign and to determine what we want our local League to look like in the next couple of years.

These planning efforts are critical to the health, success, and sustainability of the League. The Sussex LWV Board began framing out a plan in a special working session October 16. Some key elements:

  • Build on the program approved by our members in our June Annual Meeting, and on the strategic direction set by LWVUS and LWVDE.
  • Integrate the efforts of each of our committees: education on critical issues from the Social Policy Committee; reports on local government from the Observer Corps; boots on the ground from Voter Services; growth and engagement activities from Membership; visibility and public awareness from the Communications Committee.
  • Assemble a coalition of GOTV organizations to boost our presence and our shared mission of empowering voters.

We need your ideas, energy, know-how, and connections to flesh out these ideas and turn them into action.

Please plan to join us at this workshop. If you can’t make it for the whole day, come for part of it. Either way, please register here (so we know how much food and coffee to provide).

If you can’t make it at all, contact me or a committee chair to find out how to get involved. And if that doesn’t work for you, even a small donation can help us fund our efforts. Use the links below.

  • Martha Rothenberg, President: lwvscde.president [at]
  • Chelsea Wootten, Communications Chair: chelseawootten1 [at]
  • Sue Claire Harper, Membership and Nominating Committee: secmate47 [at]
  • Jack Young, Observer Corps: young [at]
  • Cristi Gillean, Social Policy Chair: cristigillean [at]
  • Judy Parkins, Voter Services Chair: judyparkins [at]


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League to which this content belongs: 
Sussex County, Delaware