Keynote Speaker, Jack Young, addresses members at LWVSC Annual Meeting

Keynote Speaker, Jack Young, addresses members at LWVSC Annual Meeting

Jack Young addresses members attending LWVSC annual meeting

 The League of Women Voters of Sussex County held its Annual Meeting on June 12th.  The keynote speaker was member, Jack Young, who spoke on the importance of League action in the light of the challenges facing Sussex County and the 2023 election.  The following is his address:

The League was created to fight for voting rights.

That fight is what led to the passage of the 19th Amendment.

That fight is what we did then, and that  is what we do today. We are a leader in voting rights  across Sussex County. We are also a leader on social issues important to our members and to our county.

The League’s mission is to empower voters and defend democracy through civic engagement and nonpartisanship. We provide voter services and civic education, and to advocate on issues of public importance, but only after careful study and discussion among our members.

 We engage in our activities in a nonpartisan way. In doing this, while the League is political, it is non-partisan. Carrie Chapman Catt, first president of the League, summarized it this way:

       Is the (League) political? Certainly, but not partisan. Its members are free
              as other[s]… to join and vote with the party of their choice. They make no
              pledge otherwise in joining the League. We never support a political party
              or candidate. We study issues, develop consensus positions and then
              actively work to support those positions.

As a nonpartisan organization, the League provides voters opportunities to hear from, and ask questions of, the political candidates through forums covering all the major state and local offices. In this endeavor, we are neutral in all we do. Candidates and citizens benefit from an open marketplace of ideas.

We also provide critical information to voters on the candidates and issues through the League’s Vote 411. Our website is a one stop place to learn about voting, polling place locations, the issues, and the process for voting—early, absentee, and in person. We are committed to making sure every citizen exercises their right to vote.

  The League is a strong advocate for better communities which includes the areas of  land use and transportation, affordable housing,  environmental protection, government transparency, education, healthcare, redistricting, and, of course, voting rights and the rights of all Sussex County residents.

We  also collaborate with other citizen stakeholder organizations, and we are involved with coalitions of other nonpartisan organizations seeking to build a better county, state, and nation.

 One example of the League’s impact is our work with the Sussex County Council in the redrawing of councilmanic districts following the 2020 Census. In a nonpartisan  effort, we successfully engaged the Council and citizens in creating a fair and appropriate redistricting map.

On the state level, the League’s Advocacy Corps testifies before the General Assembly on issues we have studied and for which there is consensus. In the current session of the legislature, the League has testified to delete the death penalty from the Delaware Code (HB 70),  and to require training and obtaining a permit-to-purchase before a person can buy a handgun  (SB 2), We have also testified on the right for those with terminal illnesses to request  medical assistance in dying ( HB 140) and on uniform legislation to ensure that our electors  (of which we have three) for  president and vice-president faithfully follow the will of the people   ( SB 57). We are also working with students at the University of Delaware on a constitutional amendment (requiring passage in two sessions of the General Assembly) to create an independent restricting commission for state and county elections following the state’s receipt of the 2030 census data.

The League will be very involved as we 2024. Foremost, the League  will continue to enhance  Voter 411 to provide citizens of Sussex County with the most up-to-date nonpartisan information on the candidates, which in 2024 will include the president, U.S. senator, U.S. representative, Governor, Lt. Governor, half the state senate (due to redistricting), all of our delegates to the General Assembly  and  local elections. For each of these elections (save maybe the presidential election) the League will hold  nonpartisan candidate forums. We are also starting to organize a countywide coalition of nonpartisan organizations focused on getting out the vote for the general election in 2024.

We will return to observing the County Council through a revitalized Observer  Corps. The League will be attending County Council meeting (and, hopefully, Planning & Zoning meetings) to observe and work on issues of importance to us as  Sussex residents, including land use, environmental protection, clean air, and  clean water.

Sussex is a big county, but also a county of neighbors. We share common interests in believing in democracy, civic involvement, civility, and fair, secure, and credible  elections. The League is the leader for todays and tomorrow’s voting rights and social engagement. If you are a member, we  look forward to  continuing to work with you. We need  your  help and enthusiasm. If you are not a member, come join us. We are welcoming  to all.

Jack Young
June 12, 2023

League to which this content belongs: 
Sussex County, Delaware