Hold Governor Carney to his Promise
Almost two years ago, in the Spring 2019, as a member of the Delaware River Basin Commissioners (DRBC), Governor Carney joined the governors of New Jersey and Pennsylvania in calling for a full ban on fracking in our Delaware River Basin. This would mean that not only would new fracking operations be banned here, but water could not be withdrawn for fracking operations elsewhere and toxic fracking waste could not be imported into our precious Delaware River Basin. We need to make sure our Governor doesn’t change his mind.
You can help protect the Delaware River by writing to Governor Carney. A sample letter is provided. If at all possible please don’t just sign and send this letter. You can change some wording, add more information from the discussion above or add a personal comment at the end. Or you can chuck the whole thing and send your own note about how important a clean, healthy Delaware River is to you and your family.