Monthly Board meetings are open to all members. Details are posted under “Events” on the League website.
Are you missing out on our emails? If you use Gmail, mail from our MailChimp account may end up tucked away as a “Promotion” – or worse, as spam! To make sure you are in the loop, see the instructions at the end of this newsletter.
Women’s History Month: There’s still time to check out; you’ll find a trove of materials from the Library of Congress, National Archives, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, and other agencies, commemorating and encouraging the study and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.
Looking for Board Nominations! Our Nominations Committee is hard at work identifying potential candidates for Executive Board positions—President, Vice President, and Secretary (the Treasurer’s term is not yet up for renewal). If you’re interested in one of these roles, or if you have ideas for candidates, please contact Pat Newcomb of the Membership Committee (pan230oh [at]
Interested in an active volunteer role? Don’t wait! Contact Pat Newcomb or Jan Willis on our Membership team: lwvscde.membership [at]
New Voter Services Committee Chair! We are pleased to report that Judy Parkins, who has been doing the work of the VS Chair for months now, has agreed to formally step into the role of Committee Chair. Also, the Board approved a proposal from Lisa Welle Malone to educate potential candidates and local political groups in general on the value of the Candidate Forums and Vote411 platform. Lisa is the Voter Services team member who ably steered the fall 2022 candidate forum effort. She faced pushback, uninterest, and unavailability of candidates, and yet she persisted. The forum featuring Stell Parker Selby (D) and Dallas Wingate (R), rivals for RD20 Representative, modeled the ability of competing candidates to treat each other with mutual respect and find areas of common ground.
Observer Corps Field Trip: A group of eight members, led by Janet Ambrose, represented LWVSCDE at the County Council meeting on March 7. Proudly sporting their LWV buttons, the visitors reminded Council members of the League’s work as nonpartisan observers and an active force in Sussex County. Janet reported that the meeting itself was a good introduction for those new to the county. This activity is part of our work to “re-vision” the Observer Corps. If you’re interested in participating in another Council visit, keep an eye on our website (
Membership Committee: Twelve members of LWVSCDE gathered on Wednesday, March 15 at Irish Eyes, Milton for a social “Happy Hour.” In commemoration of Women’s History Month, we put ourselves into small groups to share stories of women (famous or not) whose lives keenly affected our own. We welcomed new members and learned more about our friends and fellow League members. This event is part of an ongoing series of informal social gatherings to learn more about one another as well as new and ongoing LWVSDCE initiatives. Keep an eye out for details of upcoming gatherings in April and May. We are looking for new venues for our Fun Lunches and Happy Hours. Requirements include a private room and the ability to handle separate checks for a large group. Please send your suggestions to the committee at lwvscde.membership [at]
Youth Voter Registration Project 2023: We are starting to get a few short videos recorded and need to begin with editing them to strengthen the call to action: “go to” Our DelTech connections have been invaluable with this project. On March 15, Judy Parkins and Martha Rothenberg did a mini voter registration session and tested out a new Vote411 flyer featuring a QR code, and an online survey of student political concerns. If you happen to know any “youth” who would be interested in contributing a TikTok style video, contact Judy Parkins at judyparkins [at]
Make sure Gmail doesn't hide your League mailings:
- Open your Gmail account and look for mail from LWVSCDE, LWVSC, or sussexlwv [at] under the Promotions tab.
- If our emails have landed in Promotions, click the star next to the email. This will tell Gmail that you wish to receive these emails in your primary inbox.
- Next, check the Spam folder, and if you find LWVSC mail, check the box to the left of the item and the star, and then click on "Not spam."