Sussex LWV January "League, Libations, and Learning" luncheon with guest speaker Ruth Briggs King

Sussex LWV January "League, Libations, and Learning" luncheon with guest speaker Ruth Briggs King

flyer for January 17th event


Cottage Cafe
33034 Coastal Highway
Bethany Beach Delaware 19930
Delaware US
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 - 12:00pm to 2:30pm

The League of Women Voters of Sussex County will be holding their first League, Libations, and Learning event of the new year.  Join us on January 17th for a luncheon at the Cottage Cage in Bethany Beach, starting at 12 noon. 

Our guest speaker will be recently retired State Representative Ruth Briggs King who will address her experience as a legislative representative for the 37th district.  

Attendees can order their lunch from the menu (separate checks are available) and socialize with fellow members and guests, prior to the address from Ruth Briggs King.  

The public is welcome to attend.

Please register using the above link.