Member Leagues | History | Past Presidents | Current Board | Bylaws | Regional Governance
Member Leagues
Click on the name of the League below to access that League's website or Facebook Page
LWV of the District of Columbia
LWV of the District of Columbia Facebook page
LWV of Howard County Facebook Page
LWV of Montgomery County Facebook Page
In Virginia (www.LWV-VA.org) :
LWV of Arlington County & Alexandria City
LWV of Arlington County Facebook page
LWV of the Fairfax Area Facebook page
LWV of Falls Church Facebook page
LWV of Loudoun County Facebook page
LWV of Prince William / Fauquier Area
HISTORY of the League of Women Voters of the National Capital Area
The League of Women Voters of the National Capital Area (LWVNCA) was formally established in 1963. The orginial name was The League of Women Voters - Metropolitan Washington Council.
Members of local Leagues surrounding the nation's capital began informal meetings on regional issues as far back as 1958. In 1962 with the Metro system coming to the area the meetings became more regular, often including a representative of the National League (LWVUS). The meetings culminated in a "Agreement of Cooperation" in 1963 formalizing the group as an Inter League Organization (ILO). LWVNCA was incorporated in 1972.
Ms. Madeline Dorothy Naumann played a major role in establishing the organization. She was a member of the League of Women Voters of Arlington County. She was elected our first president and served between 1963 to 1966. The biennial Madeline Naumann award was named in her honor in 1998. See "Naumann Award" in RESOURCES For Member Leagues.
The purpose of LWVNCA shall be to promote political responsibility through informed and active participation in government, and to act on selected governmental issues of a metropolitan, regional or interjurisdictional nature such as energy, water and transportation.
1963-1966 Madeline Dorothy Naumann, -- LWV of the Washington Metropolitan Area (LWVAR)
1966-1968 Cynthia Hannum -- (LWVPG); Founded the Lobby Corp in 1970
1968-1970 Beverly Beidler -- (LWVA)
1970-1973 Irene Hill -- (LWVMC)
1973-1975 Patricia Jensen (LWVFA) Also Former President of LWV of Virginia and LWV of Iowa and served on the LWVUS board 1982-86)
1975-1976 Kay Morrison -- (LWVMC)
1976-1978 Sarah Jane Phillips -- (LWVFA)
1978-1980 Pat Watt -- (LWVFA)
1980-1983 Kathy Ziffer -- (LWVMC)
1983-1985 Ellyn Swanson -- (LWVDC)
1985-1987 Natalie Testa -- (LWVMC)
1987-1989 Ruth Dixon -- (LWVDC)
1989-1991 Pat Brady -- (LWVFA also served on the LWVUS Board 1992-98)
1991-1993 Ethelyn Bishop -- (LWVPG)
1993-1995 Beth Cogswell -- (LWVAR)
1995-1997 Katy Cannady -- (LWVA)
1997-2001 Naomi Glass -- (LWVDC)
2001-2005 Barbara Sherrill -- (LWVAR)
2005-2009 Melpi Jeffries -- (LWVMC)
2009-2013 Elinor Hart -- (LWVDC)
2013-2015 Virginia Long -- (LWVFC)
2015-2019 Kathy McGuire -- (LWVMC)
2019-2021 Co-presidents: Linda Softli --(LWVDC) & Joyce Starks -- (LWVPGC)
2022- 2024 Co-Presidents Joyce Starks (LWVPGC) & Kathy Matusiak (LWVAR/Alx)
We still miss Linda Softli. Read the notice of her passing January 2022 in the Washington Post: Linda Softli Memorial
Current Leadership
President: Joyce Starks (LWVPGC - term expires 2025)
Vice President: Dr. Gail Clark (LWVPGC - term expires 2026)
Secretary: Toni Marzotto (LWVMC - term expires 2025)
Treasurer: Carol Bursik (LWVFA - term expires 2025)
Erni Bridges (2024-26 - LWVFA), Anne Laroche (2024-26, LWVDC), Geraldine Whitley (2023-25, LWVDC)
LIAISONS (updated for 2023-24 as of uly 2023)
LWVDC -Sarah McMeans; LWVMD - Linda Kohn; LWV-VA - Joan Porte; LWVFR - Sue Krause; LWVHC - Carole Conors; LWVMC - Gretchen Blankenship; LWVPGC - Gail Clark | Virginia: LWVAR/Alex - Connie Potter, Pamela Berg; LWVFA - Pat Fege & Katherine Ingmasson; LWVFC - Kathleen O'Hara; LWVLC - Ann Schmitt & Kathleen Hughes; LWVPW-FA - Janet Gorn
2024 NOMINATING COMMITTEE (Off board): Chair Barbara Lipsky (LWVFC), Members: Diane Hibino (LWVMC), Nancy Bliss (LWVNC)
WEBMASTER (Off board): Sherry Zachry
BYLAWS of the LWV of the National Capital Area
LWVNCA Bylaws were Amended May 1, 2021
Read the newly adopted bylaws here or download the PDF file
Text of newly amended bylaws will be entered at a later date.
Previous bylaws: As Amended May 5, 2018
Click here to view or download the PDF of the Previous Bylaws
Regional Governance
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG)
Also known as COG, The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments is the regional governance organization of the national capital area. It helps develop regional solutions to issues that can cross jurisdications such as the environment, affordable housing, growth and development, public health, child welfare, public safety, homeland security, and transportation.
Founded in 1957, COG is an independent, nonprofit association comprised of elected officials from 22 local governments, members of the Maryland and Virginia state legislatures, and members of the U.S. Congress. COG is supported by financial contributions from its participating local governments, federal and state grants and contracts, and donations from foundations and the private sector.
Click here to reach the The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments website.
District of Columbia
Maryland: Bladensburg*(adjunct member), Bowie, Charles County, College Park, Frederick, Frederick County, Gaithersburg, Greenbelt, Montgomery County, Prince George's County, Rockville, and Takoma Park.
Virginia: Alexandria City, Arlington County, Fairfax City, Fairfax County, Falls Church City, Loudoun County, Manassas City, Manassas Park City, and Prince William County