Falls Church

Falls Church


The League of Women Voters is dedicated to promoting democracy and voting rights at the national, state and local levels. When you join the League, you support advocacy at all three levels.  Locally, the Falls Church League holds voter registration drives, issues a voter's guide to local elections, holds forums so that voters can learn about candidates for local offices, and sponsors educational programs on important local issues. We issue a newsletter several times a month to keep our members informed about our programs and volunteer opportunities with the League.  Membership is open to individuals of all ages, regardless of gender.




Welcome LWV Slide

How to Join:  

Starting in February 2025, The League of Women Voters is introducing a new centralized portal for joining the League.  Individuals all across the country will use this same portal to join the League.  Each new member automatically becomes a member of the national League and their state League and will be able to select the local League in which they would like to participate.

Click here to access the new centralized portal for joining the League of Women Voters:  Join/Renew Here

Once you are a member, click here to update your contact information or to renew your membership:  portal.lwv.org

Learn More About the League:

The League of Women Voters is an all-volunteer organization.  We are always looking for new volunteers and would love to tell you more about our programs and volunteer opportunites.  Email lwvfallschurchva [at] gmail.com for more information.