Past Events For Winnetka-Northfield-Kenilworth

Event Date: 
11/18/2021 - 7:00pm

In partnership with the Learn From History Coalition, HEROs is facilitating an online webinar to call people into the conversation. We hope you can join us on Thursday, November 18th 7-8pm CST. You must register in advance.

Event Date: 
11/17/2021 - 7:00pm

Co-hosted by:

AAUW Deerfield Area

Event Date: 
11/17/2021 - 7:00pm
Event Date: 
11/17/2021 - 11:00am

LWV Wilmette & WPL - Virtual Book Club 

Event Date: 
11/16/2021 - 6:30pm

Plastic Wars, a joint investigation from FRONTLINE and NPR, reveals how plastic makers for decades have publicly promoted recycling, despite from almost the beginning privately expressing doubts that widespread plastic recycling would ever be econ

Event Date: 
11/13/2021 - 10:30am

LWV Palos/Orland Area presents: Ranked Choice Voting
What is Ranked Choice Voting? How does it work? What are the pros and cons?

Event Date: 
11/09/2021 - 10:00am

LWVIL Offers Candidate Trainings

Event Date: 
11/04/2021 - 4:00pm

4 THURS    4-5 PM  

Event Date: 
10/30/2021 - 11:00am


Event Date: 
10/28/2021 - 7:00pm
Event location: 

Lloyd Room Winnetka Public Library, Winnetka


GUN VIOLENCE PREVENTION: Changes in Laws, F.R.O.*,HB 562 & More: IL STATE SENATOR RAM VILLIVALAM, Author & Sponsor of HB 562 



Past Events Co-Hosted By Winnetka-Northfield-Kenilworth

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