Please join us for a Brown Bag virtual event
Friday, April 5, 2024
12:00 noon
Age Friendly Action
Judy Morrison, Chair, Age Friendly Action Committee
What is the Age Friendly Action Plan?
Did you know that the Belmont Select Board commissioned
the Age Friendly Action Plan Committee to implement the Age Friendly Action plan?
AARP honored Belmont as an Age Friendly Community in March 2018.
That led to the Age Friendly Advisory Council and eventually the Age Friendly Action Plan.
Action Plan goals are in 4 areas:
Housing, Outdoor Spaces, Walkability/Transportation and Communications.
Learn how the Age Friendly Action Committee is partnering across town to meet those goals and help make
Belmont continue to be a great place to live for all ages.
Plenty of time for questions.
or Zoom Meeting ID: 880 3835 5536
Passcode: LWV
Enjoy your own brown bag lunch in the comfort of your home
while we gather together on Zoom.