Town-wide and all Precinct Candidates
The Voter Guide presents responses to a questionnaire sent to all Town-Wide Office and all Town Meeting Member candidates, and Ballot Question committees. It also contains information about Precincts, Polling Locations, Town Meeting, and the League of Women Voters of Belmont.
The 2025 Voter Guide is at the printer and will be delivered by March 26th, if not earlier.
The Belmont LWV contacted all candidates for town-wide office, all Town Meeting Member candidates, as well as Ballot Question committees. The Voter Guide presents the responses to a questionnaire they received. It also contains information about Precincts, Polling Locations, Town Meeting, and the League of Women Voters of Belmont information.
Your Vote Counts!
All candidates were contacted by email and asked to respond. Town Meeting Members were asked the following question: “Belmont citizens look to our elected officials for fair and responsible solutions to the issues facing our community. Please pick an issue or two from this list, and describe what you have done recently &/or how you would deal with this in the future: capital projects, housing & zoning (e.g. MBTA Communities zoning changes, affordable housing for young families & seniors), schools (e.g. public or private), financial management (e.g. taxes, overrides), traffic, and transparency.” Town-Wide candidates were asked a similar question. Responses, limited to 100 words, are printed verbatim.
Candidates who did not reply to the questionnaire sent to them by the League are included in the Guide so that you will have a complete list of candidates.
An asterisk (*) preceding the candidate’s name denotes an incumbent. Where applicable, attendance at Town Meeting for the past three years, according to the Town Clerk’s records, is given in parentheses. The second number indicates the number of Town Meetings the candidate was eligible to attend. If one or more Special Town Meetings are held on the same night as a regular Town Meeting, each is counted as a separate meeting. If candidates were previously elected at caucuses or moved within Belmont, they are not incumbents, but their attendance is noted. Third number is number of years served as a Town Meeting Member.
The resulting Voter Guide was mailed to each household in Belmont. For a copy of the town-wide office responses, or precinct-specific candidates, see below: