Watch the recording - Brown Bag Virtual Lunch: Civil Service in Belmont: a brief history, pros & cons

Watch the recording - Brown Bag Virtual Lunch: Civil Service in Belmont: a brief history, pros & cons

Friday, October 27, 2023 - 12:00pm

Watch the recording of

Brown Bag Virtual Lunch: Civil Service in Belmont: a brief history, pros & cons

Watch the recording:

Rob Quinan, Jr., General Counsel, MA Civil Service Commission

Chief James MacIsaac, Belmont Police Department

Ross Vona, FF/EMT, President L1637 Belmont Firefighters

Todd Benedetti, Belmont Police Office & Police Union Board Member

Learn about what Civil Service is, how it benefits the
Belmont Police Department and the Belmont Fire Department,
what issues it presents now, how it might be changing, and
what it would mean to Belmont if the Warrant Article passes
and the Belmont Police Department leaves Civil Service.