The Centennial Grove tupelo trees were planted at Peterson Farm on April 14, 2020. Tree locations were selected with Falmouth Conservation Commission agent Mark Kasprzyk and Falmouth Tree Warden Jeremiah Pearson, then a DPW crew planted the ten trees. This site is a vernal pool restoration with a spring puddle at the center that will dry up later in the season. Other native shrubs were planted in this area the next day; it is a natural area, not a park, so visitors should not expect to see lawn in the area.
In addition to the ten larger Tupelo trees planted in April at Peterson Farm, the LWVF also donated forty one smaller Tupelo trees to the Town as extensions to the Centennial Grove. In June, these are being planted at the Coonamessett River and Breivogel Conservation Areas, with a few of the smaller trees also planted at Peterson Farm.
A bronze plaque will be installed on an adjacent marker stone soon. A local Girl Scout, Angelica Oshman will help care for the trees and will create several video presentations about the trees, woman’s suffrage, and the climate as part of her work towards a Gold Star Award. Thank you to all of those who contributed to funding this project, which is one of the principal efforts of the LWVF to mark the Centennial of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment and of the founding of the League of Women voters in 1920.
--Richard Johnson, Chair, Centennial Committee