Voting Information

Voting Information

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Register to Vote

Are you registered to vote? If not, you may register with your local city, township, or county clerk's office, in person at a local branch of the Secretary of State, or by mail. You can download an application from the Secretary of State's web page and mail it in; this application cannot be filled out online. Please note that if you register by mailing in the Michigan Voter Registration Application form you must vote in person at your assigned precinct the first time you vote and show identification. You must register to vote at least 30 days before the election in which you wish to vote.

Not sure if you're registered? Need to know where your polling location is? Secretary of State's Voter Information Center tells you all you need to know to get to the polls on time. You can even view your ballot and find out how to use your voting equipment.


For Further Information

The Internet is a powerful tool in helping you make an informed choice the next time you visit the polls. The sites below are good places to start.

  • Citizens Research Council of Michigan: "The Citizens Research Council of Michigan is a private, not-for-profit public affairs research organization established in 1916 to provide nonpartisan analysis of state and local government organization and finance in Michigan."
  • find your elected officials, stay informed on what they're up to, and let your opinions be heard at
  • Michigan Voter Information Center: Visit Secretary of State's Voter Information Center to find out whether you're registered to vote, where your polling place is, and more.
  • You can check the voting records of your current state level legislators.
  • Project VoteSmart: Helps you get to know your representatives at national and state levels.
  • provides nonpartisan information about candidates prior to elections.