LWVOA Positions

LWVOA Positions

Find out where the LWVOA stands on local issues


Summary of LWVOA Local Program Positions

The Local Program Positions are a summary of all LWVOA positions (arrived at by member consensus and concurrence procedures) on local governmental issues. Along with the national positions and the state positions these are the basis for League action.

The goal of the League of Women Voters is to take action on its positions.

Cooperation among governmental units (schools, parks & recreation, library, township & city government, community services, etc) is implied in the statement of LWV principles and applies to all positions.

Below are the summary statements of each position.

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Local Government

     We support a city charter that grants broad legal powers to the city permitting it to plan, finance and execute programs suited to the special needs, interests and desires of the citizens.

Form of Government for Bloomfield Township and West Bloomfield Township

     We support measures to provide Bloomfield Township and West Bloomfield Township with a city form of government.

Changing the Form of Local Government

     The form of Local Government could be changed when the existing form does not meet the needs of the people and cannot provide those services required by the residents. A proliferation of new municipalities should be avoided.

County Home Rule

     We support Home Rule for Oakland County Government. In the absence of County Home Rule, we support County Reorganization with the same criteria as our Home Rule Standard.



Land Use Planning

     We support land use planning that reflects concern for the physical and social environment. Further, we support coordinated regional and local planning which includes citizen involvement.

Zoning Standards

     We support a Comprehensive Master Plan for communities with a sound zoning ordinance to enforce it with administrative and enforcement procedures that are continuous and equitable.

Solid Waste Management

     We support government agencies as responsible for solid waste collection, disposal and recycling.

Sewage and Drainage

     We support protection of watershed basins and flood plains.

Noise Pollution and Abatement

     We support the concept of noise as a form of pollution and the necessity of a noise abatement program.




     We support an adequately and fairly financed public education system that provides each child equal access and equal opportunity to develop his/her potential as a contributing member of a democratic society.

Sex Education

     We support the provision of sex education by the community in addition to that provided by the family through parents: such as, by specially training teachers, clinics, health care providers and religious organizations.

Parks and Recreation

     We support acquisition of park land through the coordination of local, county, state and federal funding and the provision for a comprehensive and adequate recreation program.


     We support fair and adequate housing for all.

Group Housing

     We support availability of group housing to meet the needs of developmentally disabled, physically handicapped and mentally ill residents.

Low Income Housing

     We support availability of low income housing to meet community housing needs.

Senior Citizens

     We support adequate housing for senior citizens, which provides for their physical and social needs (under any available means of funding). We encourage the development of programs which help integrate senior citizens into the life of the community.

Cable Television

     We support an interconnected, cost-effective cable television communications system throughout Oakland County.

Local Library Services

     We support local library services in Oakland County.

Countywide Library Services

     We support measures providing for accessibility to complete library services, to be financed on all governmental levels with an emphasis on state and county levels.


As of January 1, 2013.