Citizen’s Right to Know/Citizen Participation

Citizen’s Right to Know/Citizen Participation

Protect the citizen’s right to know and facilitate informed understanding and public participation in government decision-making.

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

This "What You Can Do" (WYCD) action encourages participation in the Feb. 28 Economic Blackout Day by not making purchases from large corporations on Feb. 28.

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

This "What You Can Do" (WYCD) action encourages daily calls to your legislators to object to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act.

Immigration & Refugee Rights Coalitoin Logo

Meeting Summary for Feb. 19th, 2025

Feb 19, 2025, 12:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada). Mr. Dash is not a lawyer, and his presentation should not be considered legal advice. Additionally, his presentation is intended for the League of Women Voters and those in attendance at the Zoom meeting and should not be distributed to the media.

Quick recap

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,

To me, the most important thing in life is personal growth. Challenges are difficult. They are also the best opportunity for personal growth. In reality, there are few things that we can control in our lives. We’re just along for the ride as events unfold.

What we can control is our attitudes and behavior. I choose to live each day with the joy of each sunrise and an open heart. And I choose to take thoughtful actions every day that are in keeping with what is right, without regard to outcome.

The LWVAC is a golden opportunity for the life path I have chosen. I am grateful...

LWVAC logo and what you can do in white text plus WYCD in yellow text on a purple background

LWVAC is launching a "What You Can Do" (WYCD) campaign where we share a series of action plans. With so much happening on the national stage, these action plans are intended to encourage you to respond to the daily breach of the rule of law and the separation of powers. Read more about this campaign...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

The current "What You Can Do" (WYCD) action is related to the U.S. Treasury Department's breach of personal identifiable information. Call your legislators and ask for answers. Keep your messages laser focused. Some suggested questions are provided. Please use some or all these questions or any others of your own choosing. Choose a couple questions for today, use others in the next couple days.

Representative Chuck Brannan Letterhead
Event Date: 
01/09/2025 - 1:00pm
Event location: 

Santa Fe College

Press release from the Office of Representative Chuck Brannan: The Alachua County Legislative Delegation will be holding its annual public hearing on Thursday, Jan. 9 at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Joseph W. Fordyce Building (R-01) on the campus of Santa Fe State College at 3000 NW 83 Street in Gainesville. The public is encouraged to attend this opportunity to request legislation or state funding, as well as to express opinions on any other matter of state concern ahead of the 2025 Legislative Session.

The League and local leaders encourage a YES vote on At-Large Districts in white and gold text on a purple background

The League and local leaders encourage a YES vote on At-Large Districts. Disinformation FALSELY claiming that the NAACP and Black local leaders are opposed to at-large districts have arrived in mail boxes. Again.

Citizens Right to Know Spanish Language Program graphic
Event Date: 
10/24/2024 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Event location: 

Matheson History Museum

LWVAC is partnering with the Matheson History Museum and the Latina Women’s League to present the a Spanish-language educat

Janice holding sunflower
Blog Post

Dear Members,
I hope that each of you has come through Hurricane Milton well. Emotionally, we are reeling from watching three hurricanes in three months cross our region with destructive force. We each have family or friends that have been affected. Leadership that understands and accepts and acts on the human effects on our climate is needed. Our vote is our power. Help get out the vote...
