

Support redistricting processes and enforceable standards that promote fair and effective representation at all levels of government with maximum opportunity for public participation.

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See our updated Redistricting page with information on what's going on and how to be involved in Rhode Island.

Women's Wave January 18, 2020
Census logo

Census The U.S. Census is required under the U.S. Constitution to occur every 10 years and is the process of counting every resident in the country. For the first time ever, in 2020 the Census will be primarily digitally based.

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APRIL 13, 2020
Release Number CB20-RTQ.16

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Press Mention

Voting Matters: Census connects federal money and your taxes
Special to The Westerly Sun, March 19, 2020 By Marguerite Long, Chairwoman of the Voter Registration Committee, League of Women Voters South County

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• Register to vote if you have yet to do so at Vote 411 or at R.I. Secretary of State.
• Get the latest updates on R.I.'s upcoming elections and learn more about voting-by-mail at R.I. Board of Elections and what the League is doing.
• Fill out the 2020 U.S. Census. We want to ensure that Rhode Island continues to receive the federal funding it deserves, and we keep two U.S. House Representatives.
• Support the League's People Powered Fair Maps campaign and ensure that R.I. puts the power of drawing districts in the hands of ordinary Rhode Islanders and not legislators. Sign a petition and show your support for proposed amendments to the R.I. Constitution to create an independent redistricting commission at Redraw RI.
• Read the House or Senate bills that would pave the way for an independent redistricting commission in Rhode Island.

People Powered Fair Maps: Redistricting in Idaho
Event Date: 
Feb 15 2020 03:00 pm to Feb 16 2020 02:45 pm
Event location: 

Cherry Hill Park

Join the Kootenai County League of Women Voters for an educational presentation and community discussion on People Powered Fair Maps, redistricting in Idaho and across the nation.

LWVOR Action Alert

Action Alerts

Support Oregon IP 57: Citizens' Independent Redistricting Commission | "People Not Politicians" (PNP)
