Support redistricting processes and enforceable standards that promote fair and effective representation at all levels of government with maximum opportunity for public participation.
Have you responded to the 2020 Census? This year is the first time you can complete it in online. Respond today and make sure Connecticut is not undercounted!
The League of Women Voters of Idaho supports a bipartisan citizens' reapportionment commission to reapportion both houses of the Idaho legislature on a population basis with substantially equal legislative districts; supports anti-gerrymandering controls, public hearings, and judicial review.
Our League joined has joined the 2020 Census Complete Count Partnership. Many Troy community-based organizations, educational institutions, faith-based groups and representatives of the business community have also joined.
Robin Buckelew, LWVAL Board Member, Chair of the Fair Maps project, will present "Alabama's Participation in the FAIR MAPS Campaign and What We Can Do."