We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.
If we did not know before, we now understand how important our vote for political office holders can be. Politicians make decisions that affect our health and safety, our economic status and our environment. Understanding of, and involvement in, the process of redistricting can be the first step in preserving your ability to make decisions about your life by voting. We will be posting and updating information on our website to make sure you can do your part in exercising your freedom to cast a meaningful vote.
National Voter Registration Day 2021 is September 28! Don't underestimate the power of your vote in local elections - make sure your voter registration is up-to-date, or register for the first time.
Long-awaited Redistricting has begun and the districts created this year will be in place for ten years. LWVCT is urging our members to speak out to stress the importance of Fair Maps. Attend one of the two upcoming public hearings!
Americans pride ourselves on being able to vote for the people who make the laws that affect our everyday life. We value our ability to choose a candidate who represents our values – someone who will stand up for what we think is important.
Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts and the Free Library of Philadelphia will host a virtual forum with the candidates for all of Pennsylvania's appellate courts, including the Supreme Court, Superior Court and Commonwealth Court.
Since taking a leadership role in shaping critical legislative actions in 2012, the LWVFL has continued to protect voting rights, and now plans to be very involved with the redistricting process over the coming months.