

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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First Place Winner
Press Mention

The League of Women Voters of Bucks County has announced the winners of their first student video contest. The first prize of $500 was awarded to Amy Liu, a senior at Central Bucks High School South.

People Powered Fair Maps Day of Action
Event Date: 
04/29/2021 - 6:30pm

The League of Women Voters of Idaho (LWVID), a nonpartisan organization, is rolling out a public education drive on April 29th for the upcoming legislative and congressional reapportionment. The LWV People Powered Fair Maps Campaign advocates for

LWVRI logo

Action Alerts

We are asking you  to advocate for this important legislation with your local representative. Please let your rep know that  RI is one of only 10 states which does not require civics for high school graduation.

Voter registration at Wheaton French Market
Event Date: 
04/17/2021 - 8:00am to 04/18/2021 - 7:45am
Event location: 

Downtown Wheaton

We're back at the Wheaton French Market--this year in April!

Early Voting and No Excuse Absentee Voting Banner
Press Mention

It’s time to set the record straight: Voting in Connecticut is overwhelmingly safe and secure; it is administered by election professionals from both major parties. Connecticut voters turned out in record numbers for the November 2020 election, in part thanks to an executive order issued by the governor and affirmed by the legislature permitting any voter to vote by absentee ballot. But because of our state’s restrictive absentee ballot laws, this was only allowed under these special circumstances.

2021 CA Redistricting
Event Date: 
04/10/2021 - 10:00am to 11:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Online Webinar

Redistricting 2021 
Oppose S1168 in Idaho 2021

Action Alerts


Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

Senate Bill 753: An Act Concerning the Counting of Incarcerated Persons for Purposes of Determining Legislative Districts was voted out of committee this week. If passed by the CT legislature, the bill would end the unfair practice of prison gerrymandering. Please contact your state senator and ask them to 1) urge Senate Leadership to bring this bill to a vote and 2) vote “YES” on SB 753 when it is raised.

CITIES INCLUDE: Fresno and Kingsburg 


No earlier than 21 days after the release of the census data by the Statewide Database. If next election is between January & June 2022, then no later than Election Day-174. no later than Election Day-174 if the next election is before July 1, 2022; no later than Election Day-205 if next election is July 1 2022 or later.

If next election is after July 1 2022, then no later than Election Day-205

CA Election Code sections 21622 and 21628
