

We are all equal at the ballot box, but only if we vote. We engage millions of voters every year ensuring Americans have the information they need to participate in elections that determine our future.

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2020 LWV Riverside Forum Registration v6
Event Date: 
Jan 09 2021 10:00 am to 11:30 am
Event location: 

Zoom Online Webinar

Join the Riverside League of Women Voters on Saturday, January 9th at 10:00 am via Zoom.
Event Date: 
Mar 01 2021 12:00 am to Jun 21 2021 11:45 pm

The League of Women Voters is thrilled to launch our inaugural Good Governance Symposium Series!  Leagues across South Carolina, the NAACP LDF, and the Berkeley County Chamber of Commerce are collaborating to host this important public ser

Earth with hands around it
Event Date: 
Jan 21 2021 07:00 pm to Jan 22 2021 06:45 pm
Event location: 


The League of Women Voters of Wheaton and The Robert McComick House at Cantigny Park invite you to a virtual presentation by Mark Ailes of the Citizens' Climate Lobby.

People Powered Fair Maps Logo Light
Blog Post

2021 is the year for redistricting in the United States. The League’s People Powered Fair Maps campaign is working in states to ensure that the new districts are drawn to be as fair and representative of the people as possible. In Connecticut, that means we must draw attention to redistricting so that public awareness encourages a fair process and outcome.

LWV on Redistricting

Congressional districts and government legislative bodies should be apportioned substantially on population. We oppose partisan and racial gerrymandering that strips rights away from voters.

Fair maps (wh)

The process called “redistricting” will determine how our local school board, city council, state legislative, and congressional districts are drawn. How can our communities participate? How can we ensure that our interests are being heard and represented by our elected officials? How can we ensure that the voting strength of our communities is not weakened? What are the important factors to consider in redistricting?

Winter League Day
Event Date: 
Jan 30 2021 09:30 am
Event location: 

Zoom Event



Redistricting: Education, Monitoring, and Organizing. What You Need to Know. 

Advocacy 101 workshop banner
Event Date: 
Jan 15 2021 10:00 am to Jan 16 2021 11:45 am
Event location: 

Online - Zoom

Interested in Early in-person Voting, No-excuse Absentee Ballots, Campaign Finance Reform, Fair and Transparent Redistricting, or just learning the basics of advocacy? You don't have to have all the expertise or all the time in the world! This year, it will be more accessible than ever, from the comfort of your home via Zoom. Registration deadline: 5PM Wednesday, January 13th.

Call to Action Banner

Action Alerts

The health of our democracy and its people depends on accurate data from the 2020 Census. This data helps determine representation and resource allocation for Connecticut and the entire country for the next 10 years. Yet, the Census Bureau staff have only 11 weeks to complete their work on Census files, due to COVID-19 delays and reporting deadlines. Congress has the power to grant an extension, but it will require a Senate majority. That's why our Senators need to hear from us.

Public Statement
WASHINGTON – Today the League of Women Voters board president Dr. Deborah Turner and CEO Virginia Kase issued the following statement on ascertainment, the formal presidential transition of power:  
