Get Involved: Volunteer in Our Communities

Get Involved: Volunteer in Our Communities

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Community Volunteer Opportunities:

Welcome! Our members make a difference in our communities. Check here to volunteer to register voters, to distribute voting information, to answer questions about voting, and to tell people about the League of Women Voters. We attend farmers markets, festivals, and local libraries and march in parades to defend democracy and empower voters. When you sign up to volunteer, you'll receive an email 2-3 days beforehand with additional event information. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Help distribute Election Posters in our communities. We need volunteers to ask local retailers to post Election Posters. Pick a local shopping area in Carol Stream, Warrenville, West Chicago, or Winfield to ask local retailers if they would post a League Election Poster. Walk when it’s convenient for you.  Lynne & Carol walked around Downtown Wheaton, and 32 retailers said yes! Sign up or Email/ text Melissa Nachman (mfnachman [at] / 312-933-3147) and let her know where you’ll walk and how to get a supply of English and Spanish posters.

Mon, Feb 24. 11:30am - 2:15pm. Be there to help Journalism teachers and League Leader as Wheaton Warrenville South journalism students interview candidates. Wheaton Warrenville South High School (1920 S Wiesbrook Rd, Wheaton).

Tues, Feb 25. 5:30 – 9pm. Volunteers are needed for this Winfield Candidate Event, which will include candidates for Park District, School District Winfield 34, Mayor, and Village Trustee. Event starts at 6pm, so please plan to be there between 5:30-5:45pm. You'll receive an email update prior to the event. Winfield Park District, 0N020 County Farm Road, Winfield.

Wed, Feb 26. 5:30 – 8pm. Volunteers are needed for this Warrenville Candidate Event, which will include candidates for Park District, Fire District, and Mayor. Event starts at 6pm, so please plan to be there between 5:30-5:45pm. You'll receive an email update prior to the event. Warrenville Fire District, 3S472 Batavia Road, Warrenville.

Wed, Feb 26. Please sign up to volunteer at the Wheaton Library from 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. to share information about the League and the April 1 election. All members are welcome to volunteer; you do not need to be a registrar. And then, please stay for "The Story of Nellie Blythe," which the League and the Wheaton Library are co-sponsoring. Program is from 7 - 8 p.m., Meeting Room A, Wheaton Library, 225 N. Cross St., Wheaton.

Thurs, Feb 27. 6 – 8pm. Volunteers are needed for this Wheaton Candidate Event, which will include candidates for D200 School Board and Wheaton City Council, North District and East District. Event starts at 6:30 pm, so please plan to be there between 6 – 6:15pm. You'll receive an email update prior to the event. Wheaton City Hall, 303 Wesley Street, Wheaton.

Sat, March 1. 9:45am – 1pm. Volunteers are needed to greet voters, provide election information as well as register voters and help with VBM applications at a Candidate Open House sponsored by the Glenbard North Civics Club. Glenbard North High School Student Cafeteria, 990 Kuhn Road, Carol Stream. Enter through Door 1.

Mon, March 3. Registrars and greeters needed for our GOTV and Voter Registration Event at West Chicago Community High School. Two shifts:  9am – Noon and Noon – 3pm. (326 Joliet St, West Chicago). We'll register voters and encourage students to VOTE in the April 1 Election. 

Tues, March 4.  Registrars and greeters needed for our GOTV and Voter Registration event at Wheaton North High School, 9:40am - 12:30pm. (701 W Thomas Road, Wheaton) We'll register voters and encourage students to VOTE in the April 1 Election.

Tues, March 4. 11:30am - 12:30pm. Be there to help Journalism teachers and League Leader as Wheaton North journalism students interview candidates. Wheaton North High School (701 W Thomas Road, Wheaton).

Fri, March 7.  Registrars and greeters needed for our Voter Registration Event at Glenbard North High School, 10:45am – 1:30pm (990 Kuhn Rd, Carol Stream). We'll register voters and encourage students to VOTE in the April 1 Election.

Sun, March 9, 2-3 p.m. OR Wed, March 12, 7-8 p.m. Help Get Out the Vote by texting voters. We're texting voters to Get Out the Vote for the April 1 Election. Come to one of these training sessions, and learn everything you need to know to use League software to text voters. Bring your personal laptop, so we can set you up and you can send a test text. You'll use League software, not your personal info or email. After attending the training, you'll then send texts from home. We'll ask you to send texts twice, once around March 15-17 and again March 30-31. Want to learn more? Come to one of the meetings or contact Melissa with questions (312-933-3147 or mfnachman [at] This volunteer event is for members only. Wheaton Library, Room 2A, 225 N. Cross St., Wheaton.

Tues, March 11.  3:30 – 4:30pm. Volunteers are needed for this West Chicago School Board Candidate Event to represent the League. Hosted by West Chicago HS students and not open to the public. (Video link will be on our website after the event.) Event starts at 3:30 pm, so please plan to be there by 3pm. You'll receive an email update prior to the event. West Chicago Community High School, 326 Joliet Street, West Chicago. 

Fri, March 14. 9:45am – 12:30pm. Volunteers are needed for our GOTV and Voter Registration event at Wheaton Warrenville South. We’ll encourage students to Get Out and VOTE in the April 1 Election as well as register new voters. Wheaton Warrenville South HS, 1920 S Wiesbrook Rd, Wheaton.

Wed, March 18. 6 - 9pm. Volunteers are needed for this West Chicago Candidate Event for West Chicago Library Board, City Council, and Mayor. Hosted by West Chicago HS students and open to the public. Event starts at 6pm, so please plan to be there by 5:30pm. You'll receive an email update prior to the event. West Chicago Community High School, 326 Joliet Street, West Chicago.

Thurs, March 20. Women’s History Program with Habitat for Humanity. We connect with the community through our League-sponsored events and host a welcome table at these events. We're looking for volunteers who will greet attendees and answer questions about the event, League programs, and membership. Once the event starts, please enjoy the program! DuPage County Historical Museum, 102 Wesley Street, Wheaton.