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Other Issues

From advancing health care to protecting the environment, voters care about many issues. We promote social and economic justice as well as the health and safety of all Americans to defend democracy.

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In a recent debrief of the Proposition 15 campaign, LWVDV was particularly recognized for the resounding ‘yes’ vote from our Contra Costa County voters.

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica submitted the following public comments regarding 

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

Dear Members,

There is a lot going on as we move through these dog days of summer.



The League of Women Voters of Alachua County supported the Gainesville City Commission’s 2018 commitment to 100% renewable energy and its 2019 Proclamation of a Climate Emergency. League members, like others in the community, recognized the potential health, economic, quality of life, and social and environmental justice benefits of a rapid transition from fossil to renewable energy.

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

July 16, 2021

Fellow League Members,

Summer is quickly moving along. I hope all of you are relaxing a bit but also keeping up with League issues.

Is not us then Who? grafitti
Public Statement

Whereas, an environmental condition adversely affecting Earth and its inhabitants once referred to as “climate change” has advanced to become a climate emergency including:

Headshot of Lynn Frazier
Blog Post

June 15, 2021


Since we had our solar system installed last year, whenever I can’t find my husband, I know where to look. He’s gazing at the electric meter outside our house, checking to see which way the arrow is facing.
