February 15, 2022
Dear Members,
Black History Month takes on a special significance this year as we are monitoring and opposing many bills that would limit access to voting as well as the opportunity to impact the vote in many states. Florida is one – League has repeatedly expressed concerns with minority representation and inadequate functional analyses on protected districts and areas of population growth across the state. Be sure to read the article below on redistricting and act. Call your legislators or comment on the Florida Redistricting website to demand Fair Maps. You can find all the redistricting information on our website.
In addition to all the political activity, it is also an important time in terms of our local league organization. The nomination committee has been formed and is seeking candidates for the office of President, Secretary and Elected Director. The term of office begins June 1st. The best candidate for the president would be someone who has been a league member for a while and has actively participated in league activities. The secretary or elected director are both positions that could be filled by a league member who is ready to roll up their sleeves and work to support democracy. You would be part of a team of intelligent and committed citizens working collaboratively toward shared goals. This will be an important year as we have many state and local elections. League will work to make sure everyone who is eligible to vote is registered and everyone who is registered has the information they need to cast their vote. It is time to step up and get involved. If you are willing to serve, would like to nominate someone or have questions, please contact info [at] lwv-alachua.org (me) and I will share all input with the nominating committee. If you are interested but not sure, I'm happy to talk and put you in touch with other board members. Your active involvement is very important. It is hard work but rewarding. Thanks in advance for all your offers to volunteer in a leadership role and for your suggestions.
Thanks to our Communication Director, Connie Nicklin, we now have a wonderful new section on our website – Interviews with Life Members. Our very own Karen Seabury interviewed those who self-identified as League members for 50 or more years. The interviews are wonderful. Please check them out. And, if you have been a member of League for 50 years or more, info [at] lwv-alachua.org (please let us know). Karen has agreed to continue the project Thank you, Karen!
In League,
info [at] lwv-alachua.org