Voting Rights

Voting Rights

Voting is a fundamental right and all eligible voters should have the equal opportunity to exercise that right. We are dedicated to ensuring that our elections remain free, fair and accessible.

Read more on LWVUS »

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Raleigh, NC, July 18, 2020 – The nation has lost a tremendous civil rights leader with the passing of Congressman John Lewis. He was truly an iconic visionary who worked tirelessly for civil rights in our nation.

How to Vote by Mail for the Aug 11 CT Primary Elections
Event Date: 
Jul 16 2020 06:00 pm to Jul 17 2020 05:45 pm
Event location: 

Onilne Event


Action Alerts

Sign the Petition.  We need ALL hands on deck!

Centennial logo
Event Date: 
Aug 26 2020 12:00 am to 11:45 pm
Purple image Quote from LWVCT about ensuring safe fall elections
Public Statement

The American Civil Liberties Union and ACLU of Connecticut filed a federal lawsuit seeking to make absentee mail-in voting available to every eligible voter during the COVID-19 pandemic. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of the Connecticut State Conference of NAACP Branches and the League of Women Voters of Connecticut, as well as an individual Connecticut resident.

Voting bumper sticker and pins

Action Alerts

September 8 Primary Election: Applications for Mail-in Ballots

It is not certain that mail ballot applications will be sent to all registered voters for the Fall elections. But you can ensure you get one.
Forever Stamp

UPDATE: This stamp will be issued Wednesday, August 26th, in Seneca Falls, NY.

Women Power the Vote logo
Public Statement

June 11, 2020

Women Power the Vote logo
Blog Post

Expand access to mail ballots this election year
By Jane W. Koster, John Marion and Steven Brown Providence Journal 5/11/2020
