Early Voting: October 28 - November 5, 2023
General Election: November 7, 2023
Early voting locations differ from the general election. For a list of polling locations and hours visit https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/voting/early-voting-2023
To learn more about the races and candidates on your ballot, visit Vote 411, the League's online Voters Guide, available on or about October 2, 2023
Registration Deadlines
- Oct. 23, 2023 is the last day change of address must be received by the Board of Elections for the General Election.
- Oct. 28, 2023 is the last day a voter registration application must be received by the Board of Elections to vote in the General Election.
Absentee Ballots
Due to a recent change in law, New York State voters are no longer permitted to cast a ballot on a voting machine if they have already been issued an absentee ballot for that election. Voters who have already been issued an absentee ballot can still vote in person using an affidavit ballot. The affidavit ballot will be kept separate until the election is completed. Election officials will verify whether the voter’s absentee ballot has been received. If the voter’s absentee ballot has been received, the affidavit ballot will not be counted. If the voter’s absentee ballot has not been received, the affidavit ballot will be counted.
Absentee ballot application requests:
You may apply for an absentee ballot in any of the following ways:
- Electronically through the New York State Absentee Ballot Application Portal
- By sending an email request to BOE-WestAbsentee [at] westchestergov.com
- By sending a fax request to (914) 995-7753 or (914) 995-3190
- By going in-person to the Westchester County Board of Elections, 25 Quarropas St., White Plains, NY 10601
- By mailing a paper application to the Westchester County Board of Elections, 25 Quarropas St., White Plains, NY 10601
- October 23, 2023: the last day for board of elections to receive absentee ballot application by letter, telefax, or through the absentee request portal, OR
- November 6, 2023: the last day for request delivered in person
Absentee ballot return:
Absentee ballots must be postmarked by November 7, 2023 and received by November 14, 2023 OR delivered in person by November 7, 2023.
More information on absentee ballots can be found here: https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/voting/absentee-ballots
For up-to-date and accurate information on early voting polling sites, how to obtain an absentee ballot, and more, visit the Westchester County Board of Elections at https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/ or call 914-995-5700.
- Need to check your registration? Know your voting districts? Find your Election Day polling place? Use the state Voter Look Up tool.
- For up-to-date and accurate information on early voting polling sites, how to obtain an absentee ballot, and more, please visit the Westchester County Board of Elections at https://citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com/ or call 914-995-5700.
- Live in New Castle and need a ride to the polls? The Town of New Castle Recreation and Parks Department is offering transportation to the polls beteen 9 am and 3 pm. You must be a registered voter. Please 914-238-3909 by Friday, November 4th, to request a ride.
- Want to know more about the New York State political calendar? View chart of the full New York State Political Calendar from New York State Board of Eledtions
- To learn more about the races and candidates on your ballot, visit Vote 411, the League's online Voters Guide, available on or about October 2, 2023.
Party Enrollment Deadlines
An application to change one's party enrollment for the primary election in any year must be received by the board of elections no later than February 14th of that year. Party changes received on or after February 15th, will be placed on hold until seven days after the June Primary.
Change of party enrollment and change of address is done by completing a NYS Voter Registration form and sending it to your County election bureau, or by refiling their voter registration on the DMV website at https://voterreg.dmv.ny.gov/.
Fair Campaign Practices Committee
The purpose of the Westchester County Fair Campaign Practices Committee is to help set an acceptable standard for political discussion by offering a forum for identifying unfair campaign practices and promoting a climate in which candidates conduct honest and fair campaigns.
The Committee accepts written complaints from candidates about alleged unfair campaign practices, holds hearings and issues findings.
Visit The Westchester FCPC for more information about the Committee.