Now Live! Membership Renewal Through LWVUS ChapterSpot Portal
On February 3, the LWVUS ChapterSpot portal went live, creating a new procedure for joining the League or renewing your membership. All current members will be receiving an email from LWVUS inviting them to set up a Chapter Spot account. Memberships will now be rolling - expiring on the date of joining. If you set up your Chapter Spot account now, your information will load including the end date of your membership. For members who renewed through LWV New Castle in December and January, your membership is good through December 31, 2025. LWVUS will send you a renewal notice a few months prior to your membership expiration. This new membership renewal structure has shifted the membership category definitions to LWVUS - there will no longer be family memberships and each family member must join as an individual in the future. But don't worry - because the new LWVUS system allows you to pay what you can afford (subject to a minimum), you can elect to give your second family member the "additional member" discount that you have been receiving. Questions? Send us an email - lwvnewcastle [at] and we're happy to discuss the new system. You can join or donate through our unique LWV New Castle membership link.
Who are the members?
Membership in the League of Women Voters, one of the most respected and effective grassroots organizations in the country, is open to individuals of all genders who are at least age 16.
Why should I join?
Your membership helps give the League the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change. By being a League member you can
- Stay Informed About Issues and Government
- Make Your Voice Heard
- Sharpen Your Skills
- Contribute valuable service to your community
How much time does it take?
It's up to you! We welcome active participation from our members. You can participate in our periodic discussion groups like League Reads, join one of our committees, volunteer at voter registration or other community events, represent the League at a Naturalization Ceremony. League membership also gives you access to state and national legislative and other action updates and meetings and webinars on interesting and important topices. The League covers a broad spectrum of issues and concerns, you're sure to find something that strikes your interest. While we hope you'll be an active member, some members choose to support League work only with their annual dues.
What does my dues payment get me?
When you join our local League, you also become a member of LWV New York and LWV of the United States. Your dues payment is split amongst all three organizations. As a member, you will receive email publications from each level. You will have the knowledge that you are adding your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states, Washington DC and the Virgin Islands.
How do I join?
It’s easy! Memberships and renewals are now processed through LWVUS. Go right to our local league specific link on the LWVUS membership portal
Can I support the League without joining?
We hope you'll choose to join LWVNC, but we also welcome financial support from nonmembers. Dues alone are insufficient to fund our local work such as our website, emails and candidates forums. To make a tax deductible donation to our League, you can use our Square site by clicking here. We appreciate your support!