All Schenectady County Articles


The Four-League Environment Committee and LWVNYS will be presenting an

online program on Thursday, April 18 at 7:00 pm. The title of this presentation is:

Carbon Neutral NY: Where are we NOW?



Welcome New Members:

Florence and John Carnahan


The annual Students Inside Albany (SIA) is a conference sponsored by the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation, Inc.


Join us to review our programs (PDF icon


Welcome New Members:

John Assini and Carolyn Jones-Assini




In years when there is no State Convention, the state League organizes training workshops in four locations around the state, including in Albany, during the month of March.


If you haven’t already done so, don’t forget to renew your League membership – we need YOU. If you didn’t have a chance to renew at the June dinner, please mail your check and renewal form (from the Bullerin) to:


The LWV members were generous at the Annual Dinner at the Turf in June by donating to the fund for a refugee and immigrant family first meal in the United States.


Does contacting your representative really matter?  YES IT DOES!  PDF icon


Thank you to the generous donors who attended the June Annual Dinner and donated $275 to sponsor an Immigrant family’s “First Grocery Trip”.
