Elections and Voter Information

Elections and Voter Information

Everything you need to know to be an informed voter.

The Art of Tabling |Voter Services July 2024 Report |Voter Services June 2024 Report | Voter Services May 2024 Report Change Coming for Local Elections |Voter Publications How We Elect Our Representatives | Candidate Forum Policy | Links to Local Boards | City Council and Town Board Meetings | Schenectady County Legislature Meetings | State-Wide Politics and Financial Disclosures


Registering Voters: The Art of Tabling

One of the League’s most effective ways to get out the vote is to table. It’s funny to think of “table” as a verb, as in “I tabled at the Greenmarket the other day.”

Tabling is an art. It’s a science. It’s a highly effective form of action.

What is tabling, exactly? It’s sitting behind a table on a folding chair—or, better, standing in front of the table—and engaging with passersby. I’ve found by far the most effective way to do this is to put it in the form of a question: Do you plan to vote in November? or are you concerned about the rights of women? or the sixty-four-thousand dollar question: “Are you registered to vote?

Interestingly, I’ve found that the younger the person is, the less likely they are to be registered, or even planning to vote. Sometimes I want to give these young folks a good stern lecture—don’t they know about the suffragettes, for heaven’s sake?

But it’s better, of course, to have a conversation. Ask what their concerns are. Why don’t they think voting matters? Do they care about LGBTQ issues? Or are they concerned about local issues like the lack of public transportation, or school funding?

This is how we get out the vote, one conversation at a time. We gather around a table.

Once you’ve gotten your prey to slow their stride past your table, you’ve got them. For about eight precious seconds. Use them to make a few succinct points (“This election is vitally important…”) If they’re willing to fill out a voter registration form, help them navigate the densely-printed, hard-to-read form.

-- Make sure they put their county (not the state) in the address section

--Make sure they choose a political party, or check “no party”

--Make sure they sign and date it

And before they make their escape, be sure to stick a piece of paper in their hand. A LWV membership form, an extra voter registration form, or info on early voting dates and times.

I joined the League of Women Voters especially because we can table at all sorts of places, like schools, that would not allow a partisan organization. The League has a presence at a wide range of venues—colleges, farmer’s markets, the Kids’ Art Festival, Juneteenth celebrations, in front of grocery stores and YMCAs and food pantries.

If you haven’t participated already, consider signing up for a shift. You’ll have a partner to work with, and shifts are usually two hours. There are many tabling opportunities coming up, especially in September, which is Voter Registration Month.

It’s never been more important to get out the vote. Join us around the table.

Anita Sanchez

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Voter Services July 2024 Report

My first report as voter services chair is about serendipity and connections.

Several days before the Juneteenth Festival in Schenectady’s Central Park, I visited NYS League headquarters to pick up the new NY Equal Rights Amendment flyers for our Voter Registration tables. I was talking with Erica Smitka, Acting Executive Director of the state League, about funding sources for our League’s Early Voting Billboard Project, when in walked Mary-Kate Owens, Albany League president, and her friend Amy, also from Albany. Mary-Kate and Amy loved the idea of billboards touting early voting and suggested that we work together and try to get the four Leagues to rent billboards as a group (and perhaps get a discount). We also discussed fundraising ideas. I sent Mary-Kate the pricing from Lamar, which Ellen Daviero had researched, and will follow up with our potential partners.

Set-up time for the Juneteenth Festival began with sun and ended in a downpour. Fortunately, Anita Sanchez and her husband, George, had brought a tent. Sandra McGarraugh and Anita saw that the table next to ours didn’t have any kind of cover, and George offered to get them one. In the end, our neighbors found a closer source, but the offer led to a conversation with Richard Harris, president of 100 Black Men of the Capital District. At its heart, 100 Black Men is a youth-mentoring organization, but they also advocate for families and neighborhoods—and they register voters. We hope to work with 100 Black Men at future events.

The results: When our second shift ended, Ann Hatke and I tallied one new voter registered; one request for an application to join the League; and two requests for help finding out whether someone’s voter registration is still valid. About ten people learned about the NY ERA and took flyers with them.

Other results: I had gone to Albany, worrying about my carbon footprint, and thinking I should have printed the flyers myself. As it turned out, an opportunity was waiting. Sandra, Anita, and George’s kind offer to the people at the next table started a relationship that we can build on. While it’s not guaranteed, often when we offer to lend a hand, or even just show up, we find ourselves in the right place at the right time.

Joan Fucillo, Voter Services Chair

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Voter Services June 2024 Report

Voter Registration

We are ramping up our planning for voter registration drives. So far, we have drives scheduled at Juneteenth Celebration (6/22), I Am Father Festival (8/10), Schenectady Caribbean Day (9/7) and Fulton Montgomery Community College (9/11 and 10/1). We’ll be adding many more voter registration events, so check out LWV Voter Registration if you’d like to volunteer.

Candidate Forum

We recently held a forum for candidates running for Schenectady City School District Board of Education on May 21. There were 3 candidates running for 2 seats. The candidate forum was well- attended and the audience submitted lots of interesting questions. Thank you to the League volunteers who helped at the forum: Ellen Daviero, Joan Fucillo, Carol Furman, Maxine Brisport, Pat Lambert, Inge-Lise Pangburn and Maria Khwaja.

Cheryl Nechamen, Voter Services Chair

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Voter Services May 2024 Report

Have you taken our U.S. Constitution quiz? We have found this to be a fun way to engage with voters who stop at our table during voter registration drives (a big hats off to Sandra McGarraugh for coming up with this brilliant idea).

If you’d like to join in the fun volunteering for voter registration drives, check out our signup sheet at LWV Voter Registration Signup. We’re always adding new opportunities so take a look on a regular basis. If you have any questions, contact me at lwvschenectady [at] gmail.com

What Do You Know About Your Constitution?

Immigrants who want to become citizens must answer civics questions as part of the naturalization test. The civics test is an oral test and the USCIS Officer will ask the applicant up to 10 of the 100 civics questions. An applicant must answer 6 out of 10 questions correctly to pass the civics portion of the naturalization test. Below is a sample of the civics questions that relate to the Constitution.

  1. The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution.  What are these words?
  2. What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
  3. How many amendments does the Constitution have?
  4. What are the two parts of the U.S. Congress?
  5. How many U.S. Senators are there?
  6. We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?
  7. The House of Representatives has how many voting members?
  8. We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?
  9. Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?
  10. What is the highest court in the United States?
  11. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?
  12. Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states?

                                                                                   Cheryl Nechamen, Voter Services Chair

Answers to U.S. Constitution Quiz

  1. We the People
  2. The Bill of Rights
  3. Twenty-seven (27)
  4. The Senate and House (of Representatives)
  5. One hundred (100)
  6. Six (6)
  7. Four hundred thirty-five (435)
  8. Two (2)
  9. Based on the state’s population
  10. The Supreme Court
  11. Choices listed: ▪ to print money ▪ to declare war ▪ to create an army ▪ to make treaties
  12. Choices listed: ▪ provide schooling and education ▪ provide protection (police) ▪ provide safety (fire departments) ▪ give a driver’s license ▪ approve zoning and land use

Want to learn more about the Citizenship Test?  The 100 Civics (History and Government) Questions for the Naturalization Test and suggested correct answers can be found at https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/questions-and-answers/100q.pdf 

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Change Coming for Local Elections

Governor Hochul recently signed a bill moving some local elections, previously held in odd-numbered years, to even-numbered years. The rationale behind the bill was that presidential and gubernatorial elections, held in even-numbered years, see a much higher voter turnout than that seen in local elections.

As League members, we know how important local elections are- these are the elected officials most accessible to voters, legislating on issues that affect us on a daily basis. So, in that regard, this may be a good move, if it means more people voting for local officials.

The new law will not affect all local elections. Elections in cities and villages and races for county clerk, sheriff, district attorney and judges will remain in odd-numbered years. This will change the League’s approach to scheduling candidate forums. We might end up holding forums every year since we cover elections in the city of Schenectady and the village of Scotia (odd-numbered years) and the towns of Rotterdam, Glenville and Niskayuna (even-numbered years).

We should be getting guidance from the State League soon, including when the law will take effect.

Cheryl Nechamen

Voting Services Chair

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English    Spanish


College Students Brochure  

Individuals with Disabilities Brochure

Homeless Individuals Brochure

Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities Brochure 

Individuals with Criminal Convictions and Those Detained in Jail or Prison Brochure

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How We Elect Our Representatives

Do you know how we elect our Representatives?  Why not PDF icon test your skills.

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Candidate Forum Policy 2023

Goal:  To educate voters on the issues; to stimulate voter interest; to encourage voter participation in elections; to present programs in a nonpartisan manner.

  1. All candidates for office who meet New York State election law requirements to be on the ballot are eligible to take part in candidate forums. No substitutes will be permitted to take the place of the candidate.

 2.  These forums are nonpartisan.  The League does not endorse, support or oppose candidates or political parties.

 3.  Candidates for office who have no opponents will be invited to talk with individual members of the audience at the conclusion of the forum but will be unable to participate in the formal part of the forum.  These candidates will be recognized if they attend and the reason they are not speaking will be explained.

 4.  The format of the forum is as follows:

  • Index cards will be distributed to the audience and they will be invited to submit a question.  Questions will be collected by League members.
  • Questions will be screened by League members to eliminate inappropriate questions (personal attacks, etc.), to consolidate repetitious questions and to allow for questions on a variety of issues pertinent to the race.  Questions may be rewritten for clarity.
  • Questions will be transmitted to the moderator. 
  • Each candidate will be given two minutes for an opening statement and one minute for a closing statement.
  • After the opening statements, candidates in each race will be asked questions from the audience via the moderator.  Each candidate will be asked the same question.  The order of questioning will be varied.  Each candidate is given one minute to answer each question and is given a visual notification of 30 seconds remaining and of the ending of their time limits. 
  • Candidates will be seated in alphabetical order by last name; the order of questioning will be varied.

5.  No video or audiotaping of candidate debates, or parts thereof, is permitted except by those previously authorized by the League of Women Voters to officially record the event.

6.  Candidates’ literature will be allowed to be distributed on tables placed near the entrance to the forum location.

7.  The League reserves the right to cancel the forum if circumstances warrant.

8.  Candidates will be sent copies of these policies when they are invited to participate in the forum. Any subsequent changes to the program format will be communicated to the candidates prior to t he program.

Approved 5/10/2023

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Local Boards of Elections

Schenectady County Board of Elections 2696 Hamburg Street Schenectady, NY 12303 518-377-2469

New York State Board of Elections 40 North Pearl St. Suite 5 Albany, NY 12207-2729 518-474-6220 Email: INFO [at] elections.ny.gov

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City Council and Town Board Meetings

Schenectady City Council meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays at the City Hall, 7 p.m.

Glenville Town Board meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at the Municipal Center, 7:30 p.m.

Rotterdam Town Board meets the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at Assembly Hall, 7:30 p.m.

Niskayuna Town Board: Call 518-386-4592 for the schedule.

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Schenectady County Legislature Meetings

The Schenectady County Legislature meets the 2nd Tuesdays in the County Office Building at 7 p.m.

Local and State-Wide Political Information

Click here for political information about the City and County of Schenectady, the Capital District Area, and Statewide Politics.

The above is a web-site maintained by the SCHENECTADY DIGITAL HISTORY ARCHIVE, a service of the Schenectady County Public Library.