LWV Schenectady Board Meetings

LWV Schenectady Board Meetings


Did you know…..LWVSC Board meetings are not just for board members? 

We welcome all members to attend board meetings, participate in the discussions, help make plans for events, and learn more about your League. Meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month at 3:00 pm. For example, our next meeting is Wednesday, May 10. We meet in the beautiful Swanker Board Room in the Karen B. Johnson Library in downtown Schenectady. Our meetings are hybrid, so if you can’t make it in person, consider joining on Zoom. If you’d like to attend, just contact Ann Hatke at ash.lwvsc@gmail.com so you can receive a meeting agenda and/or the Zoom link. 

League to which this content belongs: 
Schenectady County