Topic: Learn about the Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs (APAPA) at Tully's Restuarant.
APAPA is promoting voter participation across the CNY Community and across the Country. APAPA has grown into a national organization, empowering diverse communities,
APAPA collaborates with other diverse organizations, public officials, and
community leaders to create awareness and support to fight hate crimes, address
systemic racism, and provide opportunities for collective voices to be heard.
Speaker: Tai Ngo Shaw settled in the United States several decades ago, coming from Vietnam as a “boat person”, and enduring hardships that showed him compassion and charity for others. Now a successful businessman, Tai continues to give back to the community of new Americans in Syracuse. One of his projects has been the Blessing Box program, where small food pantries are located in neighborhoods where families suffer from food insecurity.lwvsyr [at] gmail.com (subject: March%2010th%20Meeting) ( Click Here to RSVP)