On January 17 th the Equal Rights Heritage Center in Auburn will sponsor a Feminist Marketplace Opportunity Event from 2-7 pm as part of the Women’s March in Seneca Falls the weekend of January 17-19 th .
The Marketplace will offer the opportunity for women vendors and artists to display and sell their merchandise. The League has been invited to take part in the activities. Cayuga County does not have a League. This is a great opportunity to reach out to area women (and men) with information on the League.
If you have not visited the Equal Rights Heritage Center this would be a great opportunity to do so. Auburn is often referred to as “History’s Hometown” and offers so much on the suffrage and abolitionist movements including the Harriet Tubman National Site and the William Seward Home. Please let us know if you are interested in helping out with this activity. Email or call Joan Johnson at jaj62 [at] twcny.rr.com or 315-488-4339 for more information.