The Leadership Team of the League of Women Voters of the Syracuse Metropolitan Area would like your input on whether our League should concur with proposed position statements that came out of two state-wide studies the LWVNY completed. We will discuss and vote on these studies:
- Ranked Choice Voting and the Primary System
- Voting Systems Approval Process in NYS.
The Syracuse Metro League has already studied and has adopted RCV as part of our Local Program/Position. We will be discussing the Primary System and the Voting Systems Approval Process. Educational materials, including the Proposed Position Statements, for each of these studies are attached below.
A member of our Board participated in the Approval of Voting Systems study and will be able to answer questions regarding the proposals from this study. Once we reach consensus on the Position Statements for each study, our League response will be sent in to the LWVNY.
The entire membership is encouraged to participate in this important meeting. Our input will help determine what action is taken on these topics at the upcoming State Convention in June. If you are not able to join the Zoom meeting but want your voice heard, the meeting will be recorded and an individual response form made available.
Hope to see everyone on March 13th!
Voting System Approval Process
RCV & Primary System Study
Response Form for RCV & Primary System
Response Form for Voting Systems Approv
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 563 434 1614
Passcode: LWVSYR