Take Action on Expanding Safe Voting During COVID-19

Take Action on Expanding Safe Voting During COVID-19

Time Range For Action Alert: 
Jul 20 2020 to Aug 31 2020
Although the June primary is behind us, concern about contracting COVID is not over and may not be in November.  All voters should be able to vote safely in November. Absentee voting expansions implemented by executive order for the June election DO NOT apply to the November election.

The League is partnering with the LetNYVote coalition to ensure all voters can vote safely in November. 

Starting Monday, July 20, the legislature will reconvene remotely and in Albany to continue passing legislation. Call now and tell them to act swiftly and pass the entire #LetNYVoteSafely slate of laws to ensure that all votes will be counted in the November election. 

Reforms include:
  • Ensuring any voter can apply to vote absentee using the "temporary illness" excuse;
  • Removing archaic laws that allow boards of elections to throw out absentee ballots that have stray marks or are sealed with tape;
  • Providing return postage for all absentee ballots;
  • and allowing Boards of Elections to use the USPS Full Service Intelligent Mail so ballots can be tracked through the postal service 

You can find the full list of bills and more details here: https://letnyvote.org/covid-19

Here's How You Can Help!:
  1. Call Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins — 518-455-2585
  2. Call Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie — 518-455-3791
  3. Call your own State Senator —Find your Senator here: https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator
  4. Call your own Assembly Member — Find your Assembly Member here: https://assembly.ny.gov/mem/search/
Sample Email/Call Script:
“ An alarming number of absentee ballots are not being counted for reasons that bills before you would fix. I do not want New York to rival states like Georgia and Florida when it comes to suppressing the vote. I am calling to strongly urge you to ensure all votes are counted — no matter which method they are cast — by passing the entire #LetNYvoteSafely slate of laws including:
  • codifying the expansion of expanded absentee voting for the duration of the pandemic (S8015A/A102a7A) ;
  • ensuring every properly cast absentee ballot is counted (S8367-70);
  • providing a return postage guaranteed envelope with absentee ballots (S8004/A2327);
  • temporarily enabling the use of an online voter registration portal in New York City (S6463/A2327);
  • providing students with voter information and a voter registration application;
  • and increasing the minimum number of early voting sites.”

Don't Delay! Take Action Today!