

Environment is in our hands

Defending the Environment

As citizens of the world we must protect our planet from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.  The League of Women Voters has been at the forefront of the environmental protection movement for decades, consistently supporting legislation to preserve our nation’s natural resources and protect our public health. We support legislation that seeks to protect our country from the physical, economic and public health effects of climate change while also providing pathways to economic prosperity.   Follow actions the League has taken on behalf of the environment.


Addressing energy and climate change is a legislative focus of LWVNYS as well as a top area of interest by our local membership. 

The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) was signed into law in 2019 and the law created the Climate Action Council.  The Council was tasked with developing a Draft Scoping Plan that is an initial framework for how the State will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, achieve net-zero emissions, increase renewable energy usage, and ensure climate justice. This plan was released for public comment in December, 2021 and on Jan. 1, 2022 the 120-day public comment period began, to receive feedback from the public as the Council develops and releases a final scoping plan by the end of 2022.

The Plan’s summary along with the full content can be found at: https://climate.ny.gov/Resources/Draft-Scoping-Plan



Clean Water, Clean Air, Green Jobs Environmental Bond Act webinar held by LWVNY

On September 17, 2022, a General Membership Meeting (open to the public) was held. Alan Cole, a member of the Kirkland and Clinton Climate Smart Community task force and the Climate Crisis Working Group IMV spoke to us about the CLEAN WATER, CLEAN AIR, GREEN JOBS ENVIRONMENTAL BOND ACT OF 2022.
This Bond will be voted on by the electorate on November 8th.

Peter Iwanowicz, Executive Director of Environmental Advocates NY and member of the state's Climate Action Council discusses the blueprint that will help make New York more sustainable in a just and equitable transition to renewable energy sources.



On March 26, 2022, Aaron Strong, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, Hamilton College gave an  overview of the CLCPA, which was signed into law in 2019, including the Draft Scoping Plan. The Zoom meeting was recorded and can be seen with this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/FW5eHsVoGCZisFWbEBJ2RSu-jteiDcqi5Exn1o8RWI1juLtvPi85anNa8ujGWFM1.xcyn9pogjVZyuLxn?startTime=1648303407000 Passcode: L*5uY@QD



Maggie & John Reilly of New York Mills give a virtual tour of their whole house heat pump system and solar PV array! Listen first hand to their path to not only clean heating and cooling but also how they transitioned off fossil fuels to clean energy/renewables. They have made a concerted effort to move away from fossil fuels by also using an air source heat pump hot water heater, charging their electric vehicle, and using battery powered landscape equipment, including a lawn mower, chainsaw, and hedge trimmer. Co-sponsored by HeatSmart CNY and HeatSmart Mohawk Valley.